
The Neto by Maropost Order Notifications API is an optional call to an external webhook in response to order status change events occurring in the Neto e-Commerce Suite. The Notifications API uses your Neto API key to ensure the call is coming from a trusted source.

Practical Uses

You can use the notification API to notify your application of new orders or changes to an existing orders status. On receipt of a notification you can then use other API calls such as GetOrder or UpdateOrder to perform a desired action. Using the notification API can help to reduce the number of unnecessary calls you make to the application looking for new order or order status changes.

Notification Structure

Notifications are sent as XML via POST to your specified URL.

Webhook URL Set your URL in your Neto control panel. (Go to: Settings & Tools > All Settings & Tools > API Settings)
Method POST
NETOAPI_KEY Your API Secure Key (generate this in your Neto control panel)
XSD Schema EventSchema XSD

Example Post

Notification of order status changing to pick.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  <CurrentTime>2014-01-03 01:11:12</CurrentTime>
Element Name Type Description Example
`` Contains the child elements below
`` integer The unique ID of the event call. This is logged. 12
`` datetime The date and time the notification was sent. 2014-01-03 01:11:12
`` string The type of event. Order
`` Contains the child elements below
`` orderidtype The order ID related to the event. N1000001
`` orderstatustype The status that the order was changed to. Quote
On Hold
New Backorder
Backorder Approved
Pending Pickup
Pending Dispatch

Valid Response

If the call to your webhook is successful, your application should respond “200 OK”. If your application makes no response or provides a standard error response, Neto will treat the notification as undelivered, and delivery will be optionally reattempted at a later time (set in Scheduled Tasks).

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