
Endpoint URL
Method POST
XML Headers
NETOAPI_USERNAME Your Neto Username (generate this in your Neto control panel)
NETOAPI_KEY Your Neto API Secure Key (generate this in your Neto control panel)
JSON Headers
NETOAPI_USERNAME Your Neto Username (generate this in your Neto control panel)
NETOAPI_KEY Your Neto API Secure Key (generate this in your Neto control panel)
Accept application/json
Description Use this call to add a new warehouse. You can store stock in multiple warehouses with Neto by Maropost.
XSD Schema AddWarehouse XSD   |   AddWarehouse Response XSD

AddWarehouse Post

You must specify at least one filter and one OutputSelector in your AddWarehouse request. These will determine the results returned.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>



  "Warehouse": [ {
} ] 


Element Name Required Field Type / Options
WarehouseReference Required String(10)
IsActive Optional Boolean(True, False)
ShowQuantity Optional Boolean(True, False)
IsPrimary Required Boolean(True, False)
WarehouseName Optional String(30)
WarehouseContact Optional String(25)
WarehouseStreet1 Optional String(50)
WarehouseStreet2 Optional String(50)
WarehousePostcode Optional String(15)
WarehousePhone Optional String(30)
WarehouseCity Optional String(50)
WarehouseState Optional String(50)
WarehouseCountry Optional String(50)
WarehouseNotes Optional String(255)

AddWarehouse Responses

XML Response

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

JSON Response

  "Warehouse": [ {
} ] ,  "Messages": {
    "Error": [ {
} ] ,    "Warning": [ {
} ]  


Element Name Field Type
WarehouseID Integer
WarehouseReference String


Element Name Field Type
Error ErrorType
Warning WarningType


Element Name Field Type
Message String
SeverityCode String
Description String


Element Name Field Type
Message String
SeverityCode String

If you are a vendor creating an integration with Neto by Maropost, we would like to hear from you!

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