
One of the best things about Neto by Maropost is its seamless integration with other sales channels such as eBay. Our selection of eBay themes allow you to showcase your products in a more professional and useful way, with each one offering unique layouts and differing content types. Below are a couple of examples of our themes:

The listing design/theme appears within the "description" tab of the eBay listing itself (see below), offering a simple way to utilise the popularity of eBay to market your company branding, and sell your products.

Accessing the Themes

eBay Themes can be accessed by navigating to eBay > Theme Editor in your Neto control panel.

Hitting the "Install New eBay Design Template" button opens up a total of 8 different theme choices, and also a blank template for anyone wanting to start from scratch.

After installing a template, you're able to apply a number of different style changes using the editor, including uploading your company logo.

If you'd like to customise the template further by editing the code itself, you can do so by clicking on the "HTML/CSS" tab. The remainder of this article explains some of the intricacies involved with doing this.


eBay impose a number of restrictions on what you can and cannot include in your eBay listings; this includes limits for both the code itself, and content.

Code Restrictions & Instructions

Javascript & CSS Includes

eBay looks for external Javascript & CSS file includes in order to block them; our templates get around this by including the files in a unique way.

Adding CSS

You can add new CSS styles to your template directly within the HTML/CSS tab, by using a <style> HTML tag (many themes already have one which you can append your styles to). CSS can also be added by creating a new CSS file in the following folder:


The template ID in the above location can be found next to the name of your ebay design in the control panel, as follows:

In order to add the include for the CSS file, add the following line underneath the other scripts at the top of the template, making sure to change the "css_file_name" part:

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">includecss("[@EBAY_THEMEURL@]/css/css_file_name.css");</script>

If you don't already have an FTP account for your website, you can request one here.

Adding JS

If you'd like to add a new JS file include, you'll first of all need to create the JS folder via FTP to store the file in, at this location:


Once done, copy the JS file that you want to include into the folder, and then add the following line underneath the other scripts at the top of the template, making sure to change the "js_file_name" part:

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">include("[@EBAY_THEMEURL@]/js/js_file_name.js");</script>


All iframes are prohibited in eBay listings (by eBay themselves). Unfortunately, Youtube videos are embedded with iframes by default. To get around this, you can use this tool to generate YouTube embed code which will work with eBay listings: Tools4Noobs Ebay Embed Code Generator.

All links that point to an address outside of eBay (e.g. the URL of your website), may be restricted. Be sure to check eBay's linking policy for your country before adding any external links to your listing templates.

Testing your Template

After adding additional code to your template (whether it be within the control panel editor itself, or within an external CSS file), you can see the changes by hitting the "Apply Changes to..." button.

While Neto's theme builder allows you to preview the template, to truly test your design template in the wild, you will need to list a product to eBay. Check out this full guide on how to list products to eBay, in order to test your design.

Available Data Tags

Most product-related data tags will work on eBay listings. Below is a list of all data tags which are supported:

  • [@acc_code@]
  • [@active@]
  • [@actual_height@]
  • [@actual_length@]
  • [@actual_width@]
  • [@allow_oversell@]
  • [@approved@]
  • [@artist_author@]
  • [@asset_acc@]
  • [@availability_description@]
  • [@barcode_height@]
  • [@base_unit@]
  • [@base_unit_qty@]
  • [@brand@]
  • [@brochure@]
  • [@brochure_url@]
  • [@build_quantity@]
  • [@buy_qty@]
  • [@categories@]
  • [@categories_name@]
  • [@category_1@]
  • [@category_10_level_1_1@]
  • [@category_10_level_name_1_1@]
  • [@category_1_level_1_1@]
  • [@category_1_level_1_2@]
  • [@category_1_level_1_3@]
  • [@category_1_level_name_1_1@]
  • [@category_1_level_name_1_2@]
  • [@category_1_level_name_1_3@]
  • [@category_name_1@]
  • [@cost@]
  • [@cost_acc@]
  • [@coupons@]
  • [@cubic@]
  • [@current_price_1@]
  • [@current_price_2@]
  • [@current_price_3@]
  • [@current_price_4@]
  • [@current_price_5@]
  • [@current_price_6@]
  • [@date_arrival@]
  • [@date_created@]
  • [@default_purchase_price@]
  • [@default_reorder_qty@]
  • [@description@]
  • [@display_template@]
  • [@dropshipper@]
  • [@dropshipper_code@]
  • [@dropshipper_name@]
  • [@ebay_add_price_percent@]
  • [@ebay_auto_bestoffer_price@]
  • [@ebay_buy_now_price@]
  • [@ebay_chance2_accept_price@]
  • [@ebay_cost@]
  • [@ebay_description@]
  • [@ebay_height@]
  • [@ebay_length@]
  • [@ebay_list_id@]
  • [@ebay_min_advertised_price@]
  • [@ebay_min_bestoffer_price@]
  • [@ebay_original_retail_price@]
  • [@ebay_outlet_comparison_price@]
  • [@ebay_quantity@]
  • [@ebay_reserve_price@]
  • [@ebay_site_id@]
  • [@ebay_start_price@]
  • [@ebay_store_category_id1@]
  • [@ebay_store_category_id2@]
  • [@ebay_store_id@]
  • [@ebay_themeurl@]
  • [@ebay_weight_major@]
  • [@ebay_weight_minor@]
  • [@ebay_width@]
  • [@ebstore_name@]
  • [@ebstore_url@]
  • [@ebtmpl_id@]
  • [@editable_bundle@]
  • [@expense_acc@]
  • [@extra@]
  • [@featured@]
  • [@features@]
  • [@format@]
  • [@free_gifts@]
  • [@height@]
  • [@image@]
  • [@image_full@]
  • [@image_url@]
  • [@image_url_check_days@]
  • [@income_acc@]
  • [@incoming_qty@]
  • [@inpromo@]
  • [@instock@]
  • [@inventory_id@]
  • [@is_asset@]
  • [@ischild@]
  • [@itm_group@]
  • [@itm_group_id@]
  • [@itm_height@]
  • [@itm_length@]
  • [@itm_width@]
  • [@job_id@]
  • [@job_name@]
  • [@keywords@]
  • [@length@]
  • [@manufacturer_model@]
  • [@misc1@]
  • [@misc10@]
  • [@misc10_name@]
  • [@misc11@]
  • [@misc11_name@]
  • [@misc12@]
  • [@misc12_name@]
  • [@misc13@]
  • [@misc13_name@]
  • [@misc14@]
  • [@misc14_name@]
  • [@misc15@]
  • [@misc15_name@]
  • [@misc16@]
  • [@misc16_name@]
  • [@misc17@]
  • [@misc17_name@]
  • [@misc18@]
  • [@misc18_name@]
  • [@misc19@]
  • [@misc19_name@]
  • [@misc1_name@]
  • [@misc2@]
  • [@misc20@]
  • [@misc20_name@]
  • [@misc21@]
  • [@misc21_name@]
  • [@misc22@]
  • [@misc22_name@]
  • [@misc23@]
  • [@misc23_name@]
  • [@misc24@]
  • [@misc24_name@]
  • [@misc25@]
  • [@misc25_name@]
  • [@misc26@]
  • [@misc26_name@]
  • [@misc27@]
  • [@misc27_name@]
  • [@misc28@]
  • [@misc28_name@]
  • [@misc29@]
  • [@misc29_name@]
  • [@misc2_name@]
  • [@misc3@]
  • [@misc30@]
  • [@misc30_name@]
  • [@misc31@]
  • [@misc31_name@]
  • [@misc32@]
  • [@misc32_name@]
  • [@misc33@]
  • [@misc33_name@]
  • [@misc34@]
  • [@misc34_name@]
  • [@misc35@]
  • [@misc35_name@]
  • [@misc36@]
  • [@misc36_name@]
  • [@misc37@]
  • [@misc37_name@]
  • [@misc38@]
  • [@misc38_name@]
  • [@misc39@]
  • [@misc39_name@]
  • [@misc3_name@]
  • [@misc4@]
  • [@misc40@]
  • [@misc40_name@]
  • [@misc41@]
  • [@misc41_name@]
  • [@misc42@]
  • [@misc42_name@]
  • [@misc43@]
  • [@misc43_name@]
  • [@misc44@]
  • [@misc44_name@]
  • [@misc45@]
  • [@misc45_name@]
  • [@misc46@]
  • [@misc46_name@]
  • [@misc47@]
  • [@misc47_name@]
  • [@misc48@]
  • [@misc48_name@]
  • [@misc49@]
  • [@misc49_name@]
  • [@misc4_name@]
  • [@misc5@]
  • [@misc50@]
  • [@misc50_name@]
  • [@misc51@]
  • [@misc51_name@]
  • [@misc52@]
  • [@misc52_name@]
  • [@misc5_name@]
  • [@misc6@]
  • [@misc6_name@]
  • [@misc7@]
  • [@misc7_name@]
  • [@misc8@]
  • [@misc8_name@]
  • [@misc9@]
  • [@misc9_name@]
  • [@model@]
  • [@monthly_spend_req@]
  • [@name@]
  • [@notax@]
  • [@parent_sku@]
  • [@pick_scan_qty@]
  • [@pick_zone@]
  • [@preorder@]
  • [@preorder_quantity@]
  • [@price_1@]
  • [@price_2@]
  • [@price_3@]
  • [@price_4@]
  • [@price_5@]
  • [@price_6@]
  • [@primary_supplier@]
  • [@primary_supplier_name@]
  • [@primary_warehouse_id@]
  • [@print_labels@]
  • [@product_id@]
  • [@product_notes@]
  • [@product_subtype@]
  • [@product_url@]
  • [@promo_end@]
  • [@promo_id@]
  • [@promo_name@]
  • [@promo_price@]
  • [@promo_start@]
  • [@promotion_price_1@]
  • [@promotion_price_2@]
  • [@promotion_price_3@]
  • [@promotion_price_4@]
  • [@promotion_price_5@]
  • [@promotion_price_6@]
  • [@repeat_type@]
  • [@req_pack@]
  • [@restock_warning_level@]
  • [@restocking_alert_qty@]
  • [@retail@]
  • [@sales_commission_percent@]
  • [@sell_qty@]
  • [@serial_tracking@]
  • [@service_level@]
  • [@sh_type_id@]
  • [@sh_type_name@]
  • [@shipping_method_id@]
  • [@shipping_type@]
  • [@short_description@]
  • [@sku@]
  • [@sortorder@]
  • [@sortorder2@]
  • [@specifications@]
  • [@split_pack@]
  • [@start_date@]
  • [@store_price@]
  • [@store_quantity@]
  • [@subtitle@]
  • [@supplier_code@]
  • [@tax_inc@]
  • [@thumb_1@]
  • [@thumb_10@]
  • [@thumb_11@]
  • [@thumb_12@]
  • [@thumb_13@]
  • [@thumb_14@]
  • [@thumb_15@]
  • [@thumb_16@]
  • [@thumb_17@]
  • [@thumb_18@]
  • [@thumb_19@]
  • [@thumb_2@]
  • [@thumb_20@]
  • [@thumb_3@]
  • [@thumb_4@]
  • [@thumb_5@]
  • [@thumb_6@]
  • [@thumb_7@]
  • [@thumb_8@]
  • [@thumb_9@]
  • [@thumb_full_1@]
  • [@thumb_full_10@]
  • [@thumb_full_11@]
  • [@thumb_full_12@]
  • [@thumb_full_13@]
  • [@thumb_full_14@]
  • [@thumb_full_15@]
  • [@thumb_full_16@]
  • [@thumb_full_17@]
  • [@thumb_full_18@]
  • [@thumb_full_19@]
  • [@thumb_full_2@]
  • [@thumb_full_20@]
  • [@thumb_full_3@]
  • [@thumb_full_4@]
  • [@thumb_full_5@]
  • [@thumb_full_6@]
  • [@thumb_full_7@]
  • [@thumb_full_8@]
  • [@thumb_full_9@]
  • [@tnc@]
  • [@type@]
  • [@unit@]
  • [@unit_name@]
  • [@upc@]
  • [@upc1@]
  • [@upc2@]
  • [@upc3@]
  • [@url@]
  • [@warranty@]
  • [@weight@]
  • [@width@]

Available Functions

Only a handful of B@SE functions should be used on eBay. All are listed below.

Function Description
`[%advert%]` You can output all types of Neto advert. Ensure that to include the `category:''` parameter within the advert tag, e.g. `[%advert type:'banner' ad_group:'' category:'' template:'' limit:'8'/%]`
`[%content_path%]` Lists all contents relating to products and contents.
`[%content_path id:'[@inventory_id@]' type:'PartsFinder' limit:'10' %] [%param *body%]


[%/param%] [%/content_path%]`
`[%content_zone%]` You can output any content zones that you have set up in the control panel using the `content_zone` tag.
`[%ebay_category_menu%]` Your eBay category list can be outputted using this tag: `[%EBAY_CATEGORY_MENU id:'[@EBAY_STORE_ID@]' ebstore_url:'[@EBSTORE_URL@]'%]`. The and tags are pulled from your eBay store setup within Neto.
`[%ebay_crosssell%]` Similarly to upsells, products that have cross-sells listed in Neto can be outputted using this tag. The full code can be grabbed from template/theme number 7 if required.
`[%ebay_upsell%]` Products that have upsells listed in Neto can be outputted using this tag. The full code can be grabbed from template/theme number 7 if required.
`[%menu%]` Menus can be outputted in the usual way, by using the ID of the menu that you'd like to show, e.g. `[%menu id:'ebay_header'%]`

You can find more in-depth on how all the above base functions work [in this article](

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