Loads the cross sell products for a SKU with compatibility for eBay linking to other listings
[%ebay_crosssell sku:'[@sku@]' ebay_store_id:'[@ebay_store_id@]' show_all:'1'%]
[%param *header%]
<h2>Recommended Products</h2>
[%param *body%]
<a href="[@ebay_upsell_url@]" title="[@ebay_upsell_title@]" target="_blank">
<img src="[@upsell_thumb@]" alt="[@ebay_upsell_title@]"/><br>
[%format type:'text' maxlength:'40' rmhtml:'1'%][@ebay_upsell_title@][%/format%]<br>
[%format type:'currency'%][@upsell_current_price@][%/format%]
[%param footer%]
The ebay_crosssell tag will load all the products assigned to the selected SKU as a crosssell onto the page. This works the same as the upsell tag, but does not have the additional default functionality of appearing during the checkout phase. For more information, see the upsell tag.
ebay_crosssell Parameters
Name | Options | Description |
sku:'' | String | The SKU of the item you'd like to query for the cross sell results |
ebay_store_id:'' | Ebay store ID | The ID of your ebay store, often best to use the [@ebay_store_id@] tag. |
limit:'' | Integer | Used to determine the max number of results |
template:'' | Name of template (without the "template.html") | Used to determine the HTML template to use from the related thumbnails folder (eg: thumbs/product/demo.template.html). If left blank, the default template (template.html) file is called |
show_all:'' | 1 /0 |
When true, it shows all items regardless of stock levels |
header | HTML & b@se tags | Renders a single usable space above the body |
body* | HTML & b@se tags | Runs an array for result |
footer | HTML & b@se tags | Renders a single usable space below the body |
ifempty:'' | HTML & b@se tags | If the crosssell returns no results, it will load this block instead |
ebay_crosssell Data Tags
Name | Description |
[@count@] |
Counts for every time the body param is run as a whole number integer |
[@custom_label@] |
The custom label for the product |
[@ebay_upsell_title@] |
The name of the product on eBay |
[@ebay_upsell_url@] |
URL to the product on eBay |
[@upsell_best_offer@] |
If the product allows best offer (y /n ) |
[@upsell_current_price@] |
The price of the product on eBay |
[@upsell_start_price@] |
The starting price of the product on eBay |
[@upsell_thumb@] |
URL to the product's eBay image |