Generates an A to Z and * list for filtering content
<ul class="list-inline">
[%param *body%]
[%if [@form:lead@] eq [@upper@]%]
<li class="list-inline-item"><a class="disabled" href="#" disabled>[@upper@]</a></li>
<li class="list-inline-item"><a href="[%url type:'page' id:'[@content_id@]' qs:'lead=[@upper@]'/%]">[@upper@]</a></li>
<li class="list-inline-item"><a href="[%url type:'page' id:'[@content_id@]' qs:'lead='/%]">View All</a></li>
[%thumb_list type:'content' content_type:'brand' template:'' limit:'10' filter_category:'' filter_a2z:'[@form:lead@]' sortby:'content_name' /%]
Filter content thumbnails using an A to Z filter based on the first letter of the title of the content page. For products, you would generally use the type:'a2z'
on the product_filter
function instead.
The sample code above gives you an A to Z filter for brands. It uses the URL
tag to generate a url query for each letter that when clicked, passes the form
lead value to a thumb_list
to filter and display the brands. If you do not have a value for each letter you may want to expand the thumb_list
code to include an *ifempty
Name | Options | Description |
`*body` | HTML & b@se tags | Runs a code block for each letter of the alphabet |
Data Tags (body)
Name | Example | Description |
`[@count@]` | 0 | A counter which will start from `0` and count for each time the body parameter runs |
`[@id@]` | A | The letter of the result for the body param in upper-case |
`[@lower@]` | a | The letter of the result for the body param in lower-case |
`[@upper@]` | A | The letter of the result for the body param in upper-case |