
Probes b@se tags for additional information


[%debug show_data:'1'/%]


Adding the above example to any page or any parameter will print a list of all the available data tags.


Name Options Description
show_all:'' 1/0 A boolean that when true prints all available tags
show_data:'' 1/0 A boolean that when true prints all available data tags
show_user:'' 1/0 A boolean that when true prints all available user tags requires a logged in user session
show_session:'' 1/0 A boolean that when true prints all data pertaining to the current session
show_config:'' 1/0 A boolean that when true prints all available config data tags
show_form:'' 1/0 A boolean that when true prints all available form data, works within the [%form%] tag
show_config_cache:'' 1/0 A boolean that when true prints all available data pertaining to the cache

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