Generate a list of child products
[%display_child_products id:'[@sku@]' template:'default'%]
[%param *header%]
<h4>Child Products</h4>
[%param *footer%]
The display_child_products tag prints a list of child products associated with the SKU specified in the ID parameter.
For more information about the product templates, see the thumb list tag
Name | Options | Description |
id:'' |
String | Product SKU |
limit:'' |
Integer | The limit of results |
template:'' |
Name of the template without the .template.html | Loads the template specified. If there is no value, it will load the default product template. This parameter is required even if it is empty |
sortby:'' |
String | brand , name , sku , shippingweight , sortorder |
*header |
HTML & b@se tags | Renders a single usable space above the body |
*footer |
HTML & b@se tags | Renders a single usable space below the body |
ifempty:'' , *ifempty |
HTML & b@se tags | If the display_child_products returns no results, it'll load this block instead |
Data Tags (header/footer)
Name | Example | Description |
[@limit@] |
5 | Limit set in the parameters |
[@total@] |
10 | Total number of child products |
[@total_showing@] |
5 | Number of child products displayed |
Data Tags
These tags are available in the template specified in the template:''
Name | Product Field | Example | Description |
[@acc_code@] , [@custom_label@] |
Custom Label/Code | 220/MDC | Product identifier for eBay or accounting integration |
[@actual_height@] |
Assembled Height | 0.420 | Assembled height in metres |
[@actual_length@] |
Assembled Length | 0.990 | Assembled length in metres |
[@actual_width@] |
Assembled Width | 1.200 | Assembled width in metres |
[@allow_oversell@] |
Inventory Policy | y | y - Don't track inventory for this SKU, n - Track inventory for this SKU |
[@arrival_date@] |
Date arrival | 2018-12-31 | Displays date if in the future or nothing if the date is today or in the past (YYYY-MM-DD) |
[@artisit_author@] |
Author/Artists | John Green | Name of the author or artist |
[@availability_description@] |
Availability Description | New stock arriving in December | Details of when the product will be available |
[@available_preorder_quantity@] |
– | 79 | The total of the Qty on Hand and Preorder Qty |
[@barcode@] |
UPC/EAN | 9310353080316 | UPC or EAN (Barcode) |
[@base_unit@] |
Base Unit of Measure | kg | The base unit of measure (ctn, ea, L,ml, cm, m, lb, g, kg) |
[@base_unit_qty@] |
Base Unit Per Qty | 2.0000 | For display purposes only. Multiplies the actual qty by this qty. For example if base unit qty is 1.9 then a qty of 2 will display as 3.8 |
[@brand@] |
Brand | Kingston | Product brand |
[@child_rndm@] |
– | MKgtM | Unique identifier for the child product when displayed |
[@count@] |
– | 0 | Index number for each child product |
[@cubic@] |
Cubic | 0.010626 | Shipping length x width x height in cubic metres |
[@date_created@] |
– | 2017-11-08 | Date the product was created (YYYY-MM-DD) |
[@display_template@] |
Website Design Template | custom | Name of the theme template assigned to the child product. Blank is default. |
[@editable_bundle@] |
Editable Kit | n | Is this product an editable kit |
[@extra@] |
Extra Options | **Gift Message;*-TEXT_FIELD-;LENGTH=+80 |
Non-inventoried extras you offer the customer at the point of purchase. See Product Import and Export Field Definitions. |
[@format@] |
Format | Soft Cover | The format of the product |
[@has_components@] |
– | 0 | Does this product have kit components. 0 - no, 1 - yes |
[@has_from_price@] |
– | 1 | Is the price of this child product is used on the thumbnail. Normally the cheapest but can be changed to the dearest. 1 - yes, 0 - no |
[@has_mlp@] |
– | 0 | Does this product have Multi Level Pricing. 0 - no, 1 - yes |
[@height@] |
Shipping Height | 0.230 | Shipping height in metres |
[@inpromo@] |
– | 1 | Is the product on promotion. 0 - no, 1 - yes |
[@instock@] |
– | 1 | Is the product in stock. 0 - no, 1 - yes |
[@inventory_id@] |
– | 22343 | Unique number for this product |
[@is_kit@] |
– | 0 | Is this a kitted product. 0 - no, 1 - yes |
[@itm_gp_id@] |
– | 0 | A unique id for kits/variations/parent items, typically for internal use |
[@itm_sortorder@] |
Sort Order 1 | 1 | Sort order (ascending order) |
[@itm_sortorder2@] |
Sort Order 2 | 2 | Sort order (ascending order) |
[@length@] |
Shipping Length | 0.220 | Shipping length in metres |
[@limited_stock@] |
– | 1 | Displays true when the stock is lower then the global configuration for "low stock" |
[@manufacturer_model@] |
Manufacturer model number | A7DC/K | The manufacturers model number of the product |
[@misc1@] , [@misc2@] , etc |
custom field name | The Fault in Our Stars | Custom product fields |
[@mlp_price@] |
Multilevel Pricing | 71.00 | Cheapest multi level price unless regular price is cheaper |
[@model@] , [@name@] |
Name | Turtles All the Way Down | Product name |
[@notax@] |
Tax Free Product | n | Tax Free Product. n - does attract tax, y - does not attract tax |
[@parent_sku@] |
Parent | 17MD-P | SKU of the parent product |
[@preorder@] |
– | 1 | Is the product on pre-order. 0 - no, 1 - yes |
[@preorder_date@] |
Date arrival | 2018-12-31 | Returns date if in the future otherwise blank |
[@preorder_quantity@] |
Preorder Qty | 80 | Quantity of the product available to be purchased on pre-order |
[@price@] |
Price | 100.00 | Product price based on the group the customer is assigned to. Does not take into account promo pricing |
[@product_subtype@] |
Subtype | Paperback | The product subtype |
[@product_type@] |
Type | Book | The product type |
[@promo_price@] |
Promo Price | 90.00 | Product promotional price based on the group the customer is assigned to |
[@promo_save@] |
– | 10.00 | Difference between the regular price and the promo price (percentage) |
[@retail@] |
RRP | 125.00 | Recommended retail price |
[@save@] |
– | 28.00 | Percentage difference between the RRP and the selling price |
[@save_price@] |
– | 35.00 | Difference between the RRP and the selling price |
[@service_only@] |
Service Item | n | Service product. Shipping methods and rates are ignored for service items |
[@sh_type_id@] |
Shipping Category | 1 | ID number of the shipping category. Blank if Service Item is selected |
[@short_description@] |
Short Description | Turtles All the Way Down is a young adult novel written by American author John Green | Short product description (up to 255 characters) |
[@single_price@] |
– | 110.00 | Price for one of this product |
[@sku@] |
SKU | 17MD-Black | Product SKU |
[@tax_inc@] |
Tax Inclusive | y | Price include tax. n no, y - yes |
[@thumb@] |
Main | /assets/thumb/17MD-Black.jpg | Main product image thumbnail. If the child product has no image the parent image is returned |
[@thumb_1@] , [@thumb_2@] , etc |
Alt 1, Alt 2, etc | /assets/alt_1_thumb/17MD-Black.jpg | Alt product images thumbnails |
[@unit@] |
Selling Unit of Measure | g | The selling unit of measure. Can appear on invoices, etc |
[@url@] |
Product URL | http://www.mysite.com/turtles-all-the-way-down | Product web address |
[@weight@] |
Shipping Weight | 0.1000 | Shipping weight on kilograms |
[@width@] |
Shipping Width | 0.210 | Shipping width in metres |