What are System Documents?

System documents are printable documents. These are the templates the system uses when printing documents such as invoices, shipping labels and consignments.

All system docs are built using HTML and stored on the fileserver, so while they can be accessed through the control panel, the best way to access them is via FTP.

Accessing print docs via the control panel

You can access any print doc via the control panel by navigating to Content Printable Documents. It is only advisable to make small modifications to documents through the control panel, for anything bigger we strongly recommend you use FTP.

Accessing print docs via FTP

All print docs are stored here on the file server: /private/www/netosuite/SysDoc/printdocs.

We recommend backing-up all print docs before making modifications.

What are System Emails?

All of the outgoing emails sent from the Neto by Maropost software are System Emails. This includes both emails sent to customers and staff.

All system emails are built using HTML and stored on the fileserver, so while they can be accessed through the control panel, the best way to access them is via FTP. They are stored in a variety of places.

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