
Endpoint URL
Method POST
XML Headers
NETOAPI_USERNAME Your Neto Username (generate this in your Neto control panel)
NETOAPI_KEY Your Neto API Secure Key (generate this in your Neto control panel)
JSON Headers
NETOAPI_USERNAME Your Neto Username (generate this in your Neto control panel)
NETOAPI_KEY Your Neto API Secure Key (generate this in your Neto control panel)
Accept application/json
Description Use this call to get product category data. A successful call to GetCategory returns the data requested.
XSD Schema GetCategory XSD   |   GetCategory Response XSD

GetCategory Post

You must specify at least one Filter and one OutputSelector in your GetCategory request. These will determine the results returned.


Sample GetCategory Response (Success)

Includes all outputs

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
   <CurrentTime>2014-04-07 11:50:40</CurrentTime>

Sample GetCategory Response (Error)

Input call, no data returned.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
   <Category />
   <CurrentTime>2014-01-03 02:31:27</CurrentTime>
     <Message>Message describing reason for error.</Message>

Sample GetCategory Response (Warning)

Warning message, data returned.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <CurrentTime>2014-04-06 06:03:39</CurrentTime>
      <Message>Message describing reason for warning.</Message>

GetCategory Post

You must specify at least one filter and one OutputSelector in your GetCategory request. These will determine the results returned.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


  "Filter": {
    "CategoryID":["Integer"/*, ...*/],
    "ParentCategoryID":["Integer"/*, ...*/],
    "CategoryName":["String"/*, ...*/],
    "OutputSelector":["Enumeration"/*, ...*/] 


Element Name Required Field Type / Options
CategoryID Optional
Supports Multiple Elements
ParentCategoryID Optional
Supports Multiple Elements
CategoryName Optional
Supports Multiple Elements
Active Optional Boolean(True, False)
OnSiteMap Optional Boolean(True, False)
OnMenu Optional Boolean(True, False)
AllowReviews Optional Boolean(True, False)
RequireLogin Optional Boolean(True, False)
DatePostedFrom Optional DateTime
DatePostedTo Optional DateTime
DateUpdatedFrom Optional DateTime
DateUpdatedTo Optional DateTime
Page Optional Integer
Limit Optional Integer


Determines what is returned by the POST. Refer to the example response below this table or the related XSD schema for details and restrictions of each output element.

Note: Each OutputSelector should be a separate element in your post.

OutputSelector Enumeration (CategoryID, ID, CategoryName, ParentCategoryID, Active, SortOrder, OnSiteMap, OnMenu, AllowReviews, CategoryReference, ShortDescription1, ShortDescription2, ShortDescription3, Description1, Description2, Description3, ExternalSource, ExternalReference1, ExternalReference2, ExternalReference3, DatePosted, DateUpdated)

GetCategory Responses

XML Response

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

JSON Response

  "Category": [ {
} ] ,  "Messages": {
    "Error": [ {
} ] ,    "Warning": [ {
} ]  


Element Name Field Type
ID Integer
CategoryID Integer
CategoryName String
ParentCategoryID Integer
Active Boolean
SortOrder Boolean
OnSiteMap Boolean
OnMenu Boolean
AllowReviews Boolean
RequireLogin String
CategoryReference String
ShortDescription1 String
ShortDescription2 String
ShortDescription3 String
Description1 String
Description2 String
Description3 String
ExternalSource String
ExternalReference1 String
ExternalReference2 String
ExternalReference3 String
DatePosted DateTime
DateUpdated DateTime


Element Name Field Type
Error ErrorType
Warning WarningType


Element Name Field Type
Message String
SeverityCode String
Description String


Element Name Field Type
Message String
SeverityCode String

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