
Endpoint URL
Method POST
XML Headers
NETOAPI_USERNAME Your Neto Username (generate this in your Neto control panel)
NETOAPI_KEY Your Neto API Secure Key (generate this in your Neto control panel)
JSON Headers
NETOAPI_USERNAME Your Neto Username (generate this in your Neto control panel)
NETOAPI_KEY Your Neto API Secure Key (generate this in your Neto control panel)
Accept application/json
Description Use this call to get customer data. A successful call to GetCustomer returns the data requested
XSD Schema GetCustomer XSD   |   GetCustomer Response XSD

GetCustomer Post

You must specify at least one filter and one OutputSelector in your GetCustomer request. These will determine the results returned.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


  "Filter": {
    "ID":["Integer"/*, ...*/],
    "Username":["String"/*, ...*/],
    "Type":["Enumeration"/*, ...*/],
    "Active":["Boolean"/*, ...*/],
    "Email":["String"/*, ...*/],
    "Company":["String"/*, ...*/],
    "OnCreditHold":["Boolean"/*, ...*/],
    "NewsletterSubscriber":["Boolean"/*, ...*/],
    "UserGroup":["String"/*, ...*/],
    "BillState":["String"/*, ...*/],
    "OutputSelector":["Enumeration"/*, ...*/] 


Element Name Required Field Type / Options
ID Optional
Supports Multiple Elements
Username Optional
Supports Multiple Elements
Type Optional
Supports Multiple Elements
Enumeration(Prospect, Customer)
Active Optional
Supports Multiple Elements
Boolean(True, False)
Email Optional
Supports Multiple Elements
Company Optional
Supports Multiple Elements
OnCreditHold Optional
Supports Multiple Elements
Boolean(True, False)
NewsletterSubscriber Optional
Supports Multiple Elements
Boolean(True, False)
UserGroup Optional
Supports Multiple Elements
BillState Optional
Supports Multiple Elements
DateAddedFrom Optional DateTime
DateAddedTo Optional DateTime
DateUpdatedFrom Optional DateTime
DateUpdatedTo Optional DateTime
Page Optional Integer
Limit Optional Integer


Determines what is returned by the POST. Refer to the example response below this table or the related XSD schema for details and restrictions of each output element.

Note: Each OutputSelector should be a separate element in your post.

OutputSelector Enumeration (Username, ID, Type, Password, EmailAddress, SecondaryEmailAddress, NewsletterSubscriber, BillingAddress, ShippingAddress, ShippingAddressBook, ParentUsername, ApprovalUsername, ReferralUsername, ReferralCommission, Gender, DateOfBirth, IdentificationType, IdentificationDetails, DefaultDiscounts, DefaultDocumentTemplate, RegistrationDate, InternalNotes, ABN, WebsiteURL, CreditLimit, DefaultInvoiceTerms, Classification1, Classification2, SalesChannel, DefaultShippingAddress, Active, OnCreditHold, UserGroup, AccountBalance, AvailableCredit, AccountManager, DefaultOrderType, UserCustom1, UserCustom2, UserCustom3, UserCustom4, UserCustom5, UserCustom6, UserCustom7, UserCustom8, UserCustom9, UserCustom10, UserCustom11, UserCustom12, UserCustom13, UserCustom14, UserCustom15, UserCustom16, UserCustom17, UserCustom18, UserCustom19, UserCustom20, UserCustom21, UserCustom22, UserCustom23, UserCustom24, UserCustom25, UserCustom26, UserCustom27, UserCustom28, UserCustom29, UserCustom30, UserCustom31, UserCustom32, UserCustom33, UserCustom34, UserCustom35, UserCustom36, UserCustom37, UserCustom38, UserCustom39, UserCustom40, UserCustom41, UserCustom42, UserCustom43, UserCustom44, UserCustom45, UserCustom46, UserCustom47, UserCustom48, UserCustom49, UserCustom50, DateAdded, DateAddedLocal, DateAddedUTC, DateUpdated, DateUpdatedLocal, DateUpdatedUTC, CustomerLog)

GetCustomer Responses

XML Response

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
     </ShippingAddress>     <ShippingAddressBook> 
     </BillingAddress>    <Active>(Boolean)</Active>    
     </AccountManager>    <DefaultOrderType>(String)</DefaultOrderType>    
     </CustomerLogs>   </Customer>  

JSON Response

  "Customer": [ {
    "ShippingAddress": {
} ,    "ShippingAddressBook": [ {
      "ShippingAddress": [ {
} ]  
} ] ,    "BillingAddress": {
} ,    "Active":"Boolean",
    "AccountManager": {
} ,    "DefaultOrderType":"String",
    "CustomerLogs": {
      "CustomerLog": [ {
} ]  
} ] ,  "Messages": {
    "Error": [ {
} ] ,    "Warning": [ {
} ]  


Element Name Field Type
ID Integer
Username String
Type String
Password String
EmailAddress String
SecondaryEmailAddress String
NewsletterSubscriber Boolean
ParentUsername String
ApprovalUsername String
ReferralUsername String
ReferralCommission String
Gender String
DateOfBirth Date
IdentificationType String
IdentificationDetails String
DefaultDiscounts String
DefaultDocumentTemplate String
RegistrationDate DateTime
InternalNotes String
ABN String
WebsiteURL String
CreditLimit Decimal
DefaultInvoiceTerms String
Classification1 String
Classification2 String
SalesChannel String
ShippingAddress ShippingAddressType
ShippingAddressBook ShippingAddressBookType
BillingAddress BillingAddressType
Active Boolean
OnCreditHold Boolean
UserGroup String
AccountBalance String
AvailableCredit String
AccountManager AccountManagerType
DefaultOrderType String
UserCustom1 String
UserCustom2 String
UserCustom3 String
UserCustom4 String
UserCustom5 String
UserCustom6 String
UserCustom7 String
UserCustom8 String
UserCustom9 String
UserCustom10 String
UserCustom11 String
UserCustom12 String
UserCustom13 String
UserCustom14 String
UserCustom15 String
UserCustom16 String
UserCustom17 String
UserCustom18 String
UserCustom19 String
UserCustom20 String
UserCustom21 String
UserCustom22 String
UserCustom23 String
UserCustom24 String
UserCustom25 String
UserCustom26 String
UserCustom27 String
UserCustom28 String
UserCustom29 String
UserCustom30 String
UserCustom31 String
UserCustom32 String
UserCustom33 String
UserCustom34 String
UserCustom35 String
UserCustom36 String
UserCustom37 String
UserCustom38 String
UserCustom39 String
UserCustom40 String
UserCustom41 String
UserCustom42 String
UserCustom43 String
UserCustom44 String
UserCustom45 String
UserCustom46 String
UserCustom47 String
UserCustom48 String
UserCustom49 String
UserCustom50 String
DateAdded DateTime
DateAddedLocal DateTime
DateAddedUTC DateTime
DateUpdated DateTime
DateUpdatedLocal DateTime
DateUpdatedUTC DateTime
CustomerLogs CustomerLogsType


Element Name Field Type
ShipCompany String
ShipFax String
ShipStreetLine1 String
ShipCity String
ShipState String
ShipLastName String
ShipFirstName String
ShipCountry String
ShipStreetLine2 String
ShipPostCode String
ShipPhone String


Element Name Field Type
ShippingAddress ShippingAddressType


Element Name Field Type
Id Integer
Title String
Default Boolean
ShipCompany String
ShipFax String
ShipStreetLine1 String
ShipCity String
ShipState String
ShipLastName String
ShipFirstName String
ShipCountry String
ShipStreetLine2 String
ShipPostCode String
ShipPhone String


Element Name Field Type
BillCompany String
BillFax String
BillStreetLine1 String
BillCity String
BillState String
BillLastName String
BillFirstName String
BillCountry String
BillStreetLine2 String
BillPostCode String
BillPhone String


Element Name Field Type
FirstName String
LastName String
Username String
Email String


Element Name Field Type
CustomerLog CustomerLogType


Element Name Field Type
LogID Integer
Customer String
AllocatedTo String
Status String
DateRequiredFollowUp Date
LastContacted DateTime
LastContactedLocal DateTime
LastContactedUTC DateTime
Notes String


Element Name Field Type
Error ErrorType
Warning WarningType


Element Name Field Type
Message String
SeverityCode String
Description String


Element Name Field Type
Message String
SeverityCode String

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