
Endpoint URL
Method POST
XML Headers
NETOAPI_USERNAME Your Neto Username (generate this in your Neto control panel)
NETOAPI_KEY Your Neto API Secure Key (generate this in your Neto control panel)
JSON Headers
NETOAPI_USERNAME Your Neto Username (generate this in your Neto control panel)
NETOAPI_KEY Your Neto API Secure Key (generate this in your Neto control panel)
Accept application/json
Description Use this call to get product data. A successful call to GetItem returns the data requested.
XSD Schema GetItem XSD   |   GetItem Response XSD

GetItem Post

You must specify at least one filter and one OutputSelector in your GetItem request. These will determine the results returned.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
     </SalesChannels>    <Visible>(Boolean)</Visible>    


  "Filter": {
    "SKU":["String"/*, ...*/],
    "AccountingCode":["String"/*, ...*/],
    "InventoryID":["Integer"/*, ...*/],
    "Brand":["String"/*, ...*/],
    "Model":["String"/*, ...*/],
    "Name":["String"/*, ...*/],
    "PrimarySupplier":["String"/*, ...*/],
    "Approved":["Boolean"/*, ...*/],
    "ApprovedForPOS":["Boolean"/*, ...*/],
    "ApprovedForMobileStore":["Boolean"/*, ...*/],
    "SalesChannels": {
      "SalesChannel": [ {
} ]  
} ,    "Visible":["Boolean"/*, ...*/],
    "IsActive":["Boolean"/*, ...*/],
    "IsNetoUtility":["Boolean"/*, ...*/],
    "AuGstExempt":["Boolean"/*, ...*/],
    "NzGstExempt":["Boolean"/*, ...*/],
    "CategoryID":["Integer"/*, ...*/],
    "OutputSelector":["Enumeration"/*, ...*/] 


Element Name Required Field Type / Options
SKU Optional
Supports Multiple Elements
RestockQty Optional Integer
ReorderQty Optional Integer
RestockWarningLevel Optional Integer
AccountingCode Optional
Supports Multiple Elements
InventoryID Optional
Supports Multiple Elements
ParentSKU Optional String(25)
Brand Optional
Supports Multiple Elements
Model Optional
Supports Multiple Elements
Name Optional
Supports Multiple Elements
PrimarySupplier Optional
Supports Multiple Elements
Approved Optional
Supports Multiple Elements
Boolean(True, False)
ApprovedForPOS Optional
Supports Multiple Elements
Boolean(True, False)
ApprovedForMobileStore Optional
Supports Multiple Elements
Boolean(True, False)
SalesChannels Optional SalesChannelsType
Visible Optional
Supports Multiple Elements
Boolean(True, False)
IsActive Optional
Supports Multiple Elements
Boolean(True, False)
IsNetoUtility Optional
Supports Multiple Elements
Boolean(True, False)
IsGiftVoucher Optional Boolean(True, False)
EditableKitBundle Optional Boolean(True, False)
AuGstExempt Optional
Supports Multiple Elements
Boolean(True, False)
NzGstExempt Optional
Supports Multiple Elements
Boolean(True, False)
DateAddedFrom Optional DateTime
DateAddedTo Optional DateTime
DateCreatedFrom Optional DateTime
DateCreatedTo Optional DateTime
DateUpdatedFrom Optional DateTime
DateUpdatedTo Optional DateTime
CategoryID Optional
Supports Multiple Elements
Priority Optional Integer
Page Optional Integer
Limit Optional Integer
OrderBy Optional Enumeration(ParentSKU, ID, Model, Name, IsActive, DateAdded, DateUpdated)
OrderDirection Optional Enumeration(ASC, DESC)


Determines what is returned by the POST. Refer to the example response below this table or the related XSD schema for details and restrictions of each output element.

Note: Each OutputSelector should be a separate element in your post.

OutputSelector Enumeration (ParentSKU, ID, Brand, Model, Virtual, Name, PrimarySupplier, Approved, IsActive, IsNetoUtility, AuGstExempt, NzGstExempt, IsGiftVoucher, FreeGifts, CrossSellProducts, UpsellProducts, PriceGroups, PriceGroups.MultilevelBands, ItemLength, ItemWidth, ItemHeight, ShippingLength, ShippingWidth, ShippingHeight, ShippingWeight, CubicWeight, HandlingTime, WarehouseQuantity, WarehouseLocations, CommittedQuantity, AvailableSellQuantity, ItemSpecifics, Categories, AccountingCode, SortOrder1, SortOrder2, RRP, DefaultPrice, DefaultPurchasePrice, PromotionPrice, PromotionStartDate, PromotionStartDateLocal, PromotionStartDateUTC, PromotionExpiryDate, PromotionExpiryDateLocal, PromotionExpiryDateUTC, DateArrival, DateArrivalUTC, CostPrice, UnitOfMeasure, BaseUnitOfMeasure, BaseUnitPerQuantity, QuantityPerScan, BuyUnitQuantity, SellUnitQuantity, PreOrderQuantity, PickPriority, PickZone, eBayProductIDs, TaxCategory, TaxFreeItem, TaxInclusive, SearchKeywords, ShortDescription, Description, Features, Specifications, Warranty, eBayDescription, TermsAndConditions, ArtistOrAuthor, Format, ModelNumber, Subtitle, AvailabilityDescription, Images, ImageURL, BrochureURL, ProductURL, DateAdded, DateAddedLocal, DateAddedUTC, DateCreatedLocal, DateCreatedUTC, DateUpdated, DateUpdatedLocal, DateUpdatedUTC, UPC, UPC1, UPC2, UPC3, Type, SubType, NumbersOfLabelsToPrint, ReferenceNumber, InternalNotes, BarcodeHeight, SupplierItemCode, SplitForWarehousePicking, DisplayTemplate, EditableKitBundle, RequiresPackaging, IsAsset, IsServiceItem, WhenToRepeatOnStandingOrders, SerialTracking, Group, ShippingCategory, MonthlySpendRequirement, RestrictedToUserGroup, IsInventoried, IsBought, IsSold, ExpenseAccount, PurchaseTaxCode, CostOfSalesAccount, IncomeAccount, AssetAccount, KitComponents, SEOPageTitle, SEOMetaKeywords, SEOPageHeading, SEOMetaDescription, SEOCanonicalURL, ItemURL, CustomContent, CustomNonDelivery, AutomaticURL, Job, RelatedContents, SalesChannels, VariantInventoryIDs, IsVariant, HSTariffNumber, Misc01, Misc02, Misc03, Misc04, Misc05, Misc06, Misc07, Misc08, Misc09, Misc10, Misc11, Misc12, Misc13, Misc14, Misc15, Misc16, Misc17, Misc18, Misc19, Misc20, Misc21, Misc22, Misc23, Misc24, Misc25, Misc26, Misc27, Misc28, Misc29, Misc30, Misc31, Misc32, Misc33, Misc34, Misc35, Misc36, Misc37, Misc38, Misc39, Misc40, Misc41, Misc42, Misc43, Misc44, Misc45, Misc46, Misc47, Misc48, Misc49, Misc50, Misc51, Misc52, eBayItems, eBayActiveItems)


Element Name Required Field Type / Options
SalesChannel Required
Supports Multiple Elements


Element Name Required Field Type / Options
SalesChannelID Required Integer
IsApproved Required Boolean(True, False)

GetItem Responses

XML Response

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
     </SalesChannels>     <Images> 
     </Images>    <ImageURL>(String)</ImageURL>    
     </FreeGifts>     <CrossSellProducts> 
     </CrossSellProducts>     <UpsellProducts> 
     </UpsellProducts>     <KitComponents> 
     </KitComponents>     <PriceGroups> 
         </MultilevelBands>       </PriceGroup>      
     </PriceGroups>     <Categories> 
     </Categories>     <ItemSpecifics> 
     </ItemSpecifics>     <WarehouseQuantity> 
     </WarehouseLocations>     <RelatedContents> 
     </eBayItems>     <eBayActiveItems> 
     </eBayActiveItems>     <eBayProductIDs> 
     </eBayProductIDs>   </Item>  

JSON Response

  "Item": [ {
    "SalesChannels": {
      "SalesChannel": [ {
} ]  
} ,    "Images": {
      "Image": [ {
} ]  
} ,    "ImageURL":"String",
    "FreeGifts": {
      "FreeGift": [ {
} ]  
} ,    "CrossSellProducts": {
      "CrossSellProduct": [ {
} ]  
} ,    "UpsellProducts": {
      "UpsellProduct": [ {
} ]  
} ,    "KitComponents": {
      "KitComponent": [ {
} ]  
} ,    "PriceGroups": {
      "PriceGroup": [ {
        "MultilevelBands": {
          "MultiLevelBand": [ {
} ]  
} ]  
} ,    "Categories": {
      "Category": [ {
} ]  
} ,    "ItemSpecifics": {
      "ItemSpecific": [ {
} ]  
} ,    "WarehouseQuantity": [ {
} ] ,    "WarehouseLocations": {
      "WarehouseLocation": [ {
} ]  
} ,    "RelatedContents": [ {
} ] ,    "eBayItems": {
      "eBayItem": [ {
} ]  
} ,    "eBayActiveItems": {
      "eBayActiveItem": [ {
} ]  
} ,    "eBayProductIDs": {
      "eBayProductID": [ {
} ]  
} ] ,  "Messages": {
    "Error": [ {
} ] ,    "Warning": [ {
} ]  


Element Name Field Type
ID Integer
SKU String
InventoryID Integer
ParentSKU String
AccountingCode String
Virtual Boolean
Brand String
Name String
Model String
SortOrder1 Integer
SortOrder2 Integer
RRP Decimal
DefaultPrice Decimal
PromotionPrice Decimal
PromotionStartDate DateTime
PromotionStartDateLocal DateTime
PromotionStartDateUTC DateTime
PromotionExpiryDate DateTime
PromotionExpiryDateLocal DateTime
PromotionExpiryDateUTC DateTime
DateArrival Date
DateArrivalUTC Date
CostPrice Decimal
UnitOfMeasure String
BaseUnitOfMeasure String
BaseUnitPerQuantity Decimal
BuyUnitQuantity Integer
QuantityPerScan Integer
SellUnitQuantity Integer
PreOrderQuantity Integer
PickPriority String
PickZone String
Approved Boolean
IsActive Boolean
IsNetoUtility Boolean
IsGiftVoucher Boolean
Visible Boolean
TaxFreeItem Boolean
TaxInclusive Boolean
ApprovedForPOS Boolean
ApprovedForMobileStore Boolean
SearchKeywords String
ShortDescription String
Description String
TermsAndConditions String
Features String
Specifications String
Warranty String
ArtistOrAuthor String
Format String
ModelNumber String
Subtitle String
AvailabilityDescription String
SalesChannels SalesChannelsType
Images ImagesType
ImageURL String
BrochureURL String
ProductURL String
DateAdded DateTime
DateAddedLocal DateTime
DateAddedUTC DateTime
DateUpdated DateTime
DateUpdatedLocal DateTime
DateUpdatedUTC DateTime
UPC String
UPC1 String
UPC2 String
UPC3 String
Type String
SubType String
NumbersOfLabelsToPrint Integer
ReferenceNumber Integer
InternalNotes String
BarcodeHeight Integer
IsInventoried String
IsBought String
IsSold String
ExpenseAccount String
PurchaseTaxCode String
CostOfSalesAccount String
IncomeAccount String
AssetAccount String
ItemHeight Decimal
ItemLength Decimal
ItemWidth Decimal
ShippingHeight Decimal
ShippingLength Decimal
ShippingWidth Decimal
ShippingWeight Decimal
CubicWeight Decimal
HandlingTime Integer
SupplierItemCode String
SplitForWarehousePicking String
eBayDescription String
PrimarySupplier String
DisplayTemplate String
EditableKitBundle Boolean
RequiresPackaging Boolean
SEOPageTitle String
SEOMetaKeywords String
SEOPageHeading String
SEOMetaDescription String
SEOCanonicalURL String
IsAsset Boolean
WhenToRepeatOnStandingOrders String
SerialTracking Boolean
Group String
ShippingCategory String
Job String
MonthlySpendRequirement Decimal
RestrictedToUserGroup String
ItemURL String
AutomaticURL Boolean
CommittedQuantity Integer
AvailableSellQuantity Integer
HSTariffNumber String
Misc01 String
Misc02 String
Misc03 String
Misc04 String
Misc05 String
Misc06 String
Misc07 String
Misc08 String
Misc09 String
Misc10 String
Misc11 String
Misc12 String
Misc13 String
Misc14 String
Misc15 String
Misc16 String
Misc17 String
Misc18 String
Misc19 String
Misc20 String
Misc21 String
Misc22 String
Misc23 String
Misc24 String
Misc25 String
Misc26 String
Misc27 String
Misc28 String
Misc29 String
Misc30 String
Misc31 String
Misc32 String
Misc33 String
Misc34 String
Misc35 String
Misc36 String
Misc37 String
Misc38 String
Misc39 String
Misc40 String
Misc41 String
Misc42 String
Misc43 String
Misc44 String
Misc45 String
Misc46 String
Misc47 String
Misc48 String
Misc49 String
Misc50 String
Misc51 String
Misc52 String
FreeGifts FreeGiftsType
CrossSellProducts CrossSellProductsType
UpsellProducts UpsellProductsType
KitComponents KitComponentsType
PriceGroups PriceGroupsType
Categories CategoriesType
ItemSpecifics ItemSpecificsType
WarehouseQuantity WarehouseQuantityType
WarehouseLocations WarehouseLocationsType
RelatedContents RelatedContentsType
eBayItems eBayItemsType
eBayActiveItems eBayActiveItemsType
eBayProductIDs eBayProductIDsType


Element Name Field Type
SalesChannel SalesChannelType


Element Name Field Type
SalesChannelID Integer
SalesChannelName String
IsApproved Boolean (True, False)


Element Name Field Type
Image ImageType


Element Name Field Type
Name String
URL String
ThumbURL String
MediumThumbURL String
Timestamp DateTime


Element Name Field Type
FreeGift FreeGiftType


Element Name Field Type
SKU String


Element Name Field Type
CrossSellProduct CrossSellProductType


Element Name Field Type
SKU String


Element Name Field Type
UpsellProduct UpsellProductType


Element Name Field Type
SKU String


Element Name Field Type
KitComponent KitComponentType


Element Name Field Type
ComponentSKU String
ComponentValue String
AssembleQuantity Integer
MinimumQuantity Integer
MaximumQuantity Integer
SortOrder Integer


Element Name Field Type
PriceGroup PriceGroupType


Element Name Field Type
GroupID String
Group String
Price Decimal
PromotionPrice Decimal
MinimumQuantity Integer
MaximumQuantity Integer
Multiple Integer
MultipleStartQuantity Integer
MultilevelBands MultilevelBandsType


Element Name Field Type
MultiLevelBand MultiLevelBandType


Element Name Field Type
Price Decimal
MinimumQuantity Integer
MaximumQuantity Integer


Element Name Field Type
Category CategoryType


Element Name Field Type
CategoryID Integer
Priority Integer
CategoryName String


Element Name Field Type
ItemSpecific ItemSpecificType


Element Name Field Type
Name String
Value String


Element Name Field Type
WarehouseID Integer
Quantity Integer


Element Name Field Type
WarehouseLocation WarehouseLocationType


Element Name Field Type
LocationID String
WarehouseID String
Type String
Priority Integer


Element Name Field Type
ContentID Integer
ContentName String
ContentTypeID Integer
ContentTypeName String
Priority Integer


Element Name Field Type
eBayItem eBayItemType


Element Name Field Type
ListingTemplateID String (50)
DesignTemplateID String (50)
eBayCategory1 String (50)
eBayCategory2 String (50)
eBayStoreCategory1 String (50)
eBayStoreCategory2 String (50)


Element Name Field Type
eBayActiveItem eBayActiveItemType


Element Name Field Type
eBayItemID String (50)


Element Name Field Type
eBayProductID eBayProductIDType


Element Name Field Type
eBaySiteFullName String (50)
eBayProductIDValue String (50)


Element Name Field Type
Error ErrorType
Warning WarningType


Element Name Field Type
Message String
SeverityCode String
Description String


Element Name Field Type
Message String
SeverityCode String

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