
Endpoint URL
Method POST
XML Headers
NETOAPI_USERNAME Your Neto Username (generate this in your Neto control panel)
NETOAPI_KEY Your Neto API Secure Key (generate this in your Neto control panel)
JSON Headers
NETOAPI_USERNAME Your Neto Username (generate this in your Neto control panel)
NETOAPI_KEY Your Neto API Secure Key (generate this in your Neto control panel)
Accept application/json
Description Use this call to add a new RMA (Return Merchadise Authorisation). A successful call to AddRma returns the unique identifier (RmaID) for the new RMA, and the date and time the RMA was added (CurrentTime)
XSD Schema AddRma XSD   |   AddRma Response XSD

AddRma Post

You must specify at least one filter and one OutputSelector in your AddRma request. These will determine the results returned.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
     </RmaLines>     <Refunds> 
         </TransactionNotes>       </Refund>      
     </Refunds>   </Rma>  



  "Rma": [ {
    "RmaLines": {
      "RmaLine": [ {
} ]  
} ,    "Refunds": {
      "Refund": [ {
        "TransactionNotes": {
          "TransactionNote": [ {
} ]  
} ]  
} ] 


Element Name Required Field Type / Options
OrderID Required String(15)
InvoiceNumber Required String(32)
CustomerUsername Required String(25)
StaffUsername Required String(25)
PurchaseOrderNumber Required String(50)
InternalNotes Required String(5000)
RmaStatus Required Enumeration(Open, Closed)
DateIssued Optional DateTime
ShippingRefundAmount Required Decimal
ShippingRefundTaxCode Required String(8)
TaxInclusive Optional Boolean(True, False)
RmaLines Optional RmaLinesType
Refunds Optional RefundsType


Element Name Required Field Type / Options
RmaLine Optional
Supports Multiple Elements


Element Name Required Field Type / Options
Quantity Required Integer
SKU Required String(25)
ItemDescription Optional String(255)
RefundSubtotal Required Decimal
TaxCode Required String(8)
WarehouseID Required Integer
ResolutionOutcome Optional String(100)
ReturnReason Optional String(100)
ItemStatusType Optional String(100)
ItemStatus Optional String(100)
ResolutionStatus Optional String(100)
ManufacturerClaims Optional String(100)


Element Name Required Field Type / Options
Refund Optional
Supports Multiple Elements


Element Name Required Field Type / Options
PaymentMethod Optional String(100)
DateRefunded Optional DateTime
RefundAmount Required Decimal
TransactionNotes Optional TransactionNotesType


Element Name Required Field Type / Options
TransactionNote Optional
Supports Multiple Elements


Element Name Required Field Type / Options
Title Optional String(150)
Description Optional String(5000)

AddRma Responses

XML Response

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


JSON Response



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