Note: This is a deprecated function, largely superseded by [%if%] and simply the [@tag@] tags.


Neto by Maropost's legacy tag for writing conditionals and calculations.


[%set [@test@] %]2[%/set%]

[%data id:'test'%]
    [%param case_1%]1[%/param%]
    [%param case_1_value%] one[%/param%]

    [%param case_2%]2[%/param%]
    [%param case_2_value%] two[%/param%]

    [%param case_3%]3[%/param%]
    [%param case_3_value%] three[%/param%]

    [%param case_default_value%] default fallback[%/param%]


Dynamically Referencing Tags

Data encapsulated within the [%data%] function can be referenced dynamically.

[%forloop from:'1' to:'40' %]
    [%param *body%]
        [%data id:'misc[@count@]'%]
            [%param case_1%]misc33[%/param%]
            [%param case_1_value%] Display content[%/param%]

Calc Function

[%data%] can also be used as a calc function.

[%data id:'count' calc:'%' cvalue:'2' if:'=' value:'0'%]
    [%param *if_true%] ... [%/param%]
    [%param *if_false%] ... [%/param%]

If Statement

The [%data%] function can also be used as an if statement. In this example, the [@discount_total@] will only display if it is greater than zero:

[%data id:'discount_total' if:'>' value:'0' %]
    <p>Discount Total: [@discount_total@]</p>


Name Options Description
`id:''` String Sets the ID for the data so it can be referenced/targeted elsewhere. Can also be used as the name of the variable in calculations
`if:''` `eq`, `ne`, `=`, `==`, `!=`, `>`, `<` The initial condition of the tag
`calc:''` `*`, `/`, `+`, `%`, `**`, `( )` Calc function for performing arithmetic within the conditional. Accepts [calc function]( parameters
`value:''` Number or variable Value to compare against the variable
`cvalue:''` Number Used to specify return order for calc function results. Succeeds the value of the variable specified by `id:''`
`fvalue:''` Number Used to specify return order for calc function results. Precedes the value of the variable specified by `id:''`
`*if_true` HTML & b@se tags Return value for code that complies with the initial condition of the tag
`*if_false` HTML & b@se tags Return value for code that does not comply with the initial condition of the tag
`*case_#` HTML & b@se tags Designation for cases to be included in the tag. Replace `#` with a value from 1 to 999
`*case_#_value` HTML & b@se tags Values of designated cases. Replace `#` with a value from 1 to 999

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