Neto by Maropost Webstore Supported Browsers

All themes in the Neto theme store, and the Skeletal base development theme, support the desktop and mobile browsers listed below.

Note: Release refers to the latest major version of a browser- e.g. Chrome 76.x.xxxx and 77.x.xxxx are considered as two separate releases.


  • Chrome: Latest three releases for Mac & PC.
  • Firefox: Latest three releases for Mac & PC.
  • Safari: latest two releases for Mac.
  • Edge: latest two releases for PC & Mac.
  • Internet Explorer: IE 11 for PC.


  • Chrome Mobile: Latest three releases for Android and iOS.
  • Mobile Safari: Latest two releases for iOS.

Neto themes offer a comparable user experience across all supported browsers. Due to the way browsers can vary in the way they support different technologies (e.g. CSS Grid), a theme may not look and behave identically across all browsers. It is recommended that customisations you make to theme templates are in line with these standards, and that you test to ensure compatibility with your required browsers and browser versions.

Updates to themes are made to ensure that support for these browsers is maintained. In the case of premium themes, updates are made by the vendor and are free for the life of the theme. Free theme updates are made by Neto.

To receive theme updates you will need to install the latest version of the theme. This will result in the loss of any customisations made to the theme assets or templates after the previous installation.

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