Starting or customising a theme

Neto by Maropost provides a fully customisable template file structure so you can create or update any part of a theme when needed. All of our themes are built using the Bootstrap CSS framework and utilise standard HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, and our own templating B@SE language to display and layout content.

For the latest versions of any theme dependencies please refer to the latest version of our base theme Skeletal.

Releasing an official theme on the platform

Interested in launching a theme on Neto that any merchant can purchase and use? We have a number of requirements for themes officially lauching on the platform so please reach out to our Partner Team before starting any development with a short theme pitch and we'll get back to you.

Developing a bespoke / one-off theme

Follow one of our suggested developer workflow guides to start creating a bespoke theme for a single client:

Customise a current theme

You can use SFTP to access any theme already installed on a Neto webstore. Open the theme template file directly in your SFTP Client or your favourite Code Editor, then make your changes (ensuring these are actually pushed back to the webstore server and not just made locally on your machine).

If the changes you are making affect multiple templates or are particularly large, you may want to consider spinning up a Staging Theme to make and test the changes there.

Preview your theme changes

Neto cannot be run in a local environment, so regardless of your workflow, theme changes will need to be loaded onto a webstore via SFTP to be tested.

All Neto theme templates are parsed on our servers and turned into standard HTML pages before being sent to the browser. This means you cannot upload your own .html or other server files and expect these to be displayed. If you want to make changes to a Neto webstore frontend, these must be done using our template file structure.

For example, to create a new page layout, you would generally update or add a {template_name}.template.html file to the themes templates > cms folder, then make your changes in that file and apply it to a page using the Neto control panel.

Note, new templates can only be assigned in the control panel if the theme is active. If you are previewing a Staging Theme before setting it active you can add additional query parameters to the nview value to display templates specific to that staging theme.

  • templatehead={template_name} replaces the current page header template with the one specified
  • templatebody={template_name} replaces the current page body template with the one specified
  • templatefoot={template_name} replaces the current page footer template with the one specified

These can be combined with or without the nview={theme_name} query to preview various templates e.g. say you have a storefront-test staging theme and just created a brands.template.html file in the 'cms' folder. That staging theme and body template can be previewed using the following URL: {webstore_domain}?nview=storefront-test&templatebody=brands

While the nview query value is cached to the browser session, template#### query values are not and will reset to their default values with any page load.

For a full rundown of our general theme structure see an Introduction to Neto.

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