
Lists the active discount coupons in a cart session


  [%param *body%]
    <div class="alert alert-success">
      <p>The discount <strong>[@title@] ([@subtitle@])</strong> has been applied to your order.</p>


This will list all the active discount coupons that the customer has entered the coupon code for or have been automatically applied to the shopping cart.


Name Options Description
*header HTML & b@se tags Renders a single usable space above the body
*body HTML & b@se tags Runs an array for each option in the tag
*footer HTML & b@se tags Renders a single usable space below the body
*ifempty, ifempty:'' HTML & b@se tags If their are no active coupons, this block is printed in place of the header, body & footer

Data Tags (body)

Name Discount Field Example Description
[@code@] Discount key SAVE20 The coupon code that triggers the event
[@count@] 0 A counter which will start from 0 and count for each time the body parameter runs
[@date_updated@] 2018-08-05 14:51:09 Date the coupon was last updated in the control panel (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS)
[@discount_active@] Active y Discount is currently active. n - no, y - yes
[@discount_auto@] Automatically apply discount y Automatically apply when conditions are met. n - no, y - yes
[@discount_dialog@] Pop-up n Display a popup dialog box when the discount is automatically applied. n - no, y - yes
[@discount_end@] End date/time 2018-08-31 22:59:00 Date and time the coupon / discount ends (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS)
[@discount_exclusive@] Can this discount be used with other discounts? n Discount is exclusive and can not be used with other offers. n - no, y - yes
[@discount_id@] 23 Unique ID for the discount
[@discount_max@] Max discount allowed 11.99 Max monetary value the discount can be used for
[@discount_once@] Usage policy n Whether the discount is single use or unlimited use. n - no, y - yes
[@discount_private@] n Whether the discount is a public or private discount. n - no, y - yes
[@discount_start@] Start date/time 2018-08-05 10:00:00 Date the coupon / discount is valid (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS)
[@subtitle@] Subtitle Limited time only The coupon program subtitle
[@title@] Title 20% Off Site-wide The coupon program title

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