
Generates a list of refunds made within that order


[%order_refunds id:'[@order_id@]'%]
    [%param *body%]
        <p>[@rma_id@], currently [@rma_status@], refunded [@refund_total@] on the [@date_issued@]</p>


The order refunds tag will generate information about any returns made for a certain order, when applicable. The refunds will only show if there is an RMA for the order specified via the ID param.

order_refunds Parameters

Name Options Description
id:'' Order ID The order ID you wish to query for a list of refunds
header HTML & b@se tags Renders a single usable space above the body
body* HTML & b@se tags Runs an array for each option in the tag
footer HTML & b@se tags Renders a single usable space below the body
ifempty:'' HTML & b@se tags If the order_refunds returns no results, it'll load this block instead

order_refunds Data Tags

Name Options
`[@count@]` A integer count that increases by one with each body param rendered
`[@date_approved@]` The date the refund was approved
`[@date_issued@]` The date the refund was issued
`[@refund_total@]` The total refund amount made
`[@rma_id@]` The ID of the Return Merchant Authorisation in Neto
`[@rma_status@]` The status of the Return Merchant Authorisation in Neto

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