
Generate data for a particular order


[%show_order id:'[@order_id@]' hidechild:'1' %]
    [%param *header%]
        <h2>Order: [@order_id@]</h2>
    [%param *body%]
            <li>[@model@] - [@sku@]</li>
    [%param *footer%]


The show_order function tag will provide all of the data tags available for an order based on the order ID parameter supplied. If you need to load an order in its entirety or drill into the orderline data, this is the tag to use. Multiple orders can be returned using a thumb_list function set to the orders type.

show_order Parameters

Name Options Description
id:'' Order ID Required - Specify which order data should be returned
sortby:'' HTML & b@se tags Changes what the orderlines are sorted by. Can be used with `sku`, `counter`, `name`, `sortorder`, `itm_sortorder`, `itm_sortorder2`
*header HTML & b@se tags Code here will run once, above the body
*body HTML & b@se tags Code here will runs once for each orderline, looping until all orderlines are returned
*footer HTML & b@se tags Code here will run once, below the body
*ifempty:'' HTML & b@se tags If the show_order returns no results, this code runs instead
hidechild:'' `1`/`0` Show or hide related orders
customer:'' HTML & b@se tags Refers to the customer that placed the order
warehouse_id:'' Integer & b@se tags If set, filter out all orderlines that do not belong to the specified warehouse
ignore_na_sku:'' `1`/`0` If set, filter out all orderlines that aren't visible on the webstore
ignore_unapproved_sku:'' `1`/`0` If set, filter out all orderlines that aren't approved on the webstore

show_order Data Tags

Name Options
`[@acc_code@]` Accounting Code
`[@active@]` A boolean that prints `1` if the product is active
`[@addr_id@]` When using multi-address checkout this ID is unique to each address in the address book.
`[@aff_id@]` Affiliate ID
`[@aff_ref@]` Affiliate reference
`[@approval_username@]` The username of the parent account if the order has an approval process in place
`[@arrival_date@]` Product arrival date
`[@availability_description@]` Product availability description
`[@balance@]` Customer account balance
`[@base_unit@]` The base unit of the product
`[@base_unit_qty@]` Unit quantity description
`[@baseqty@]` Quantity order multiplied by the minimum order amount for the item
`[@bpay_crn@]` Bpay Customer Reference Number
`[@brand@]` The brand of the orderline
`[@card_exp_month@]` The expiration month of the credit card, requires payment method with credit card retention feature
`[@card_exp_year@]` The expiration year of the credit card, requires payment method with credit card retention feature
`[@card_holder@]` Credit Card Holder Name, requires payment method with credit card retention feature
`[@card_number@]` Credit Card Name, requires payment method with credit card retention feature
`[@cc_id@]` Credit Card Name, requires payment method with credit card retention feature<
`[@check_account@]` Customer Cheque account number
`[@counter@]` An integer that increases by one every time the body param runs
`[@coupon_code@]` / `[@couponcode@]` Active coupon codes for order
`[@credit@]` User account credit
`[@credit_apply@]` Credit used by customer
`[@credit_limit@]` How much credit is available to the user account
`[@date_approved@]` Date that the order was approved
`[@date_closed@]` Date the order was completed/closed
`[@date_delivery@]` Estimated delivery date of order
`[@date_of_birth@]` Customer date of birth
`[@date_required@]` On some checkouts the customer can specify a date they'd like the ordder delivered, this is that date.
`[@date_updated@]` Date the order was most recently updated
`[@default_discounts@]` Default discount applied to a Customer Group
`[@discount@]` Discount amount on order line
`[@discount_code@]` Unique code for a discount / promotion.
`[@discount_percent@]` Discount percentage on an order line
`[@discount_title@]` The name of the discount
`[@discounts@] ` Discounts applied to the order
`[@dispatch_notification@]` Message sent when order is shipped
`[@doctmpl_id@]` The document template set ID that is used for this customer by default. Used to apply a specific invoice design to a specific customer or example.
`[@dropshipping@]` Indicates the value of the "Send invoice with goods" field on the checkout form.
`[@extra@]` Prints product "extra options"
`[@fax@]` Billing fax number
`[@gender@]` The customers gender
`[@group_id@]` The customers user group ID
`[@haslogin@]` Customer was logged in when the order was created
`[@if_invoiced@]` Prints true if the order has been paid
`[@internal_notes@]` Internal notes on the order
`[@inventory_id@]` The product inventory ID
`[@is_prospect@]` A boolean that prints `1` when true if the customer is set to a prospect type in Neto
`[@iskitting@]` Prints true if the order line is a kit
`[@itemnotes@]` Order line notes
`[@itm_serial@]` Order line serial number
`[@itm_sortorder@]`, `[@itm_sortorder2@]` Order line sort orders
`[@list_id@]` The ID of the mailing list the user is subscribed to
`[@manufacturer_model@]` Product manufacturer model number
`[@misc*@]` Where `*` represents corresponding misc field number, loads specified misc field
`[@model@]`, `[@name@]` Product name
`[@net_price@]` The net order line price
`[@net_price_exc_tax@]` The net order line price excluding tax
`[@net_price_inc_tax@]` The net order line price including tax
`[@notax@]` A boolean that when true indicates the product is tax free
`[@notes@]` Order notes
`[@opt_in@]` Indicates the value of the "subscribe to newsletter" field on the checkout form.
`[@order_comment@]` Internal note on order
`[@order_plan_id@]` ID for repeat order plans
`[@order_status_full@]` Order has finished Picking and Packing
`[@order_status_id@]` The ID of the order status for backend purposes
`[@parent_inventory_id@]` The inventory ID of the parent product on that order line
`[@parent_name@]` Product name of parent SKU if applicable
`[@parent_order_id@]` The order ID of a parent order if applicable
`[@parent_sku@]` Product SKU of parent SKU if applicable
`[@parent_username@]` The username of the parent user
`[@password@]` Customer account password
`[@personal_id_type@]` The ID of the personal_type classification.
`[@personal_identification@]` Customer indentification
`[@phone@]` Customer billing phone number
`[@pickup_only@]` Prints true when item is pickup only
`[@preorder@]` A boolean that prints `1` when the item has a pre-order quantity and date that is beyond the current date
`[@price@]` Product Price
`[@price_exc_tax@]` Product price excluding tax if applicable
`[@price_inc_tax@]` Product price excluding tax if applicable
`[@product_discount@]` The discount price on an order line
`[@product_total@]` The product total of the order
`[@qty@]` Quantity purchased in the order
`[@referral_username@]` The username of the referral user
`[@registration_date@]` Date the customer registered to site
`[@retail@]` Retail cost of the product
`[@rma_id@]` The ID of the return merchant authorisation
`[@sales_agent@]` The control panel agent who processed the sale
`[@sales_channel@]` The channel of which the order was made i.e. Webshop, ebay, control panel etc
`[@sales_commission_percent@]` The percentage commission paid to the referral user
`[@secondary_email@]` Customer secondary email
`[@sh_group_id@]` Shipping group ID for selected method on order
`[@ship_city@]` The city name of the shipping address
`[@ship_comment@]` The customer comment on the shipping method, often instructions such as "Ring doorbell 003"
`[@ship_company@]` The company name for the shipping address of the order
`[@ship_country@]` The country ID of the shipping address
`[@ship_fax@]` The fax number for the shipping address
`[@ship_first_name@]` The first name of the recipient for the shipping address
`[@ship_last_name@]` The surname name of the recipient for the shipping address
`[@ship_phone@]` The phone number for the shipping address
`[@ship_signature@]` A boolean that prints `1` if the customer has opted to require a signature for parcel delivery for the order
`[@ship_state@]` The state name of the shipping address
`[@ship_street1@]`, `[@ship_street2@]` The street name and details of the shipping address
`[@ship_zip@]` The post code / zip code of the shipping address
`[@shipping@]` The shipping weight for the order
`[@shipping_method@]` The selected shipping method name for the order
`[@shipping_method_id@]` The selected shipping method ID for the order
`[@shipping_notax@]` True/false check for any tax applied to shipping
`[@shipping_price@]` Shipping method price for the order
`[@shipping_total@]` Shipping method cost as a grand total
`[@shipping_weight_total@]` Shipping weight total for the order
`[@short_description@]` Product short description
`[@sku@]` Product SKU
`[@sortorder@]` Sort order number for the product
`[@statusnotes@]` Internal notes with regards to the order
`[@storder_id@]` Standing order unique ID
`[@subtitle@]` Product subtitle
`[@subtotal@]` Order product subtotal
`[@subtotal_exc_tax@]` Order product subtotal excluding tax
`[@subtotal_inc_tax@]` Order product subtotal including tax
`[@subtotal_tax@]` Order tax subtotal
`[@supplier@]` Product supplier
`[@surcharge_percent@]` Percentage of surcharge on an order
`[@surcharge_taxable@]` Surchage amount that is taxable on order
`[@surcharge_taxfree@]` Surchage amount that is not taxable on order
`[@surcharge_total@]` Total surchage cost on order
`[@tax_percent@]` Percentage of tax on order
`[@tax_total@]` Total cost of tax on order
`[@timestamp@]` Date/Time when the order record was last updated
`[@total_items@]` Total order lines for an order
`[@tracking_id@]` ID for tracking number
`[@ship_tracking@]` Shipping tracking number
`[@unit@]` Unit of measurement for the minimum quantity of the item
`[@unit_discount@]` Item specific discount
`[@unit_tax@]` Item specific tax
`[@unresolve_dispute@]` Total number of unresolved disputes customer has open
`[@user_id@]` Unique ID for customer card
`[@usercustom1@]` - `[@usercustom34@]` Custom user fields for customer cards
`[@usr_group@]` User grouping (Not to be confused with price group)
`[@warranty@]` Product warranty description
`[@amount_owed@]` Amount yet to be paid in order
`[@amount_paid@]` Amount paid on the order
`[@bill_country_name@]` Country name of the billing address for the order
`[@bill_state_name@]` State name of the billing address for the order
`[@count@]` Counts for every time the body param is run as a whole number integer
`[@customer_po@]` Customer purchase order number
`[@customer_ref1@]`, `[@customer_ref2@]`, `[@customer_ref3@]`, `[@customer_ref4@]` Customer reference fields, essentially misc fields
`[@date_due@]` Date due for the order if applicable
`[@date_due_text@]` Date due or accounting representation for the date due (ie. COD)
`[@date_invoiced@]` Date the order was invoiced to the customer
`[@date_placed@]` Date the order was placed by the customer
`[@discount_total@]` Total discount on order if applicable
`[@email@]` Primary customer email address on the order
`[@grand_total@]` Grand total of the order
`[@has_product_discounts@]` A boolean when true the order contains discounted products
`[@order_id@]` The primary unique identifier for the order
`[@order_status@]` Name of the order status. Possible values: `Quote`, `New`, `On Hold`, `New Backorder`, `Backorder Approved`, `Pick`, `Pack`, `Pending Dispatch`, `Pending Pickup`, `Dispatched`, `Cancelled`, `Uncommitted`.
`[@payment_method@]` The payment method name
`[@payment_name@]` The payment method selected by the customer for this order
`[@refund_total@]` The refund total where applicable
`[@sales_email@]` Salesperson email
`[@sales_first_name@]` Salesperson first name
`[@ship_country_name@]` The country name of the shipping address
`[@ship_state_name@]` The state name of the shipping address
`[@shipping_discount@]` Any discounts applied to the shipping
`[@tax_inc@]` A boolean that when true indicates the order is tax inclusive
`[@terms@]` Accounting representation for the date due (ie. EOM, COD, NET)
`[@bill_city@]` The billing city name of the customer
`[@bill_company@]` The billing company name of the customer
`[@bill_country@]` The billing country ID of the customer (ie. AU)
`[@bill_country_name@]` The billing country name of the customer
`[@bill_fax@]` The billing fax number of the customer
`[@bill_first_name@]` The billing first name of the customer
`[@bill_last_name@]` The billing last name of the customer
`[@bill_phone@]` The billing phone number of the customer
`[@bill_state@]` The billing state short term (ie. QLD) of the customer
`[@bill_state_name@]` The billing state long term name of the customer
`[@bill_street1@]` The billing street first line of the customer
`[@bill_street2@]` The billing street first line of the customer
`[@bill_zip@]` The billing zip code/post code of the customer
`[@card_type@]` The card type ID of the payment method when credit card
`[@card_type_name@]` The cad type name of the payment method when credit card
`[@classification1@]` The customer classification field, defined in Neto
`[@classification2@]` The second customer classification field, defined in Neto
`[@username@]` The customers username, the unique ID for this customer

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