
Generates a standing order based off ID

This function refers to a deprecated webstore feature, to return order details in a template use the show_order function tag instead


[%show_standing_order id:'[@storder_id@]'%]
    [%param *body%]


The show standing order tag, just like the show order tag, will load a standing order along side all of the data tags available for a standing order based on the id parameter & typically you'll want to use the [@storder_id@] tag to do so dynamically.


Name Options Description
template:'' Name of template (without the "template.html") Used to determine the HTML template to use from the related thumbnails folder (eg: thumbs/content/demo.template.html). If left blank, the default template (template.html) file is called
header HTML & b@se tags Renders a single usable space above the body
body* HTML & b@se tags Runs an array for each option in the tag
footer HTML & b@se tags Renders a single usable space below the body
ifempty:'' HTML & b@se tags If the show_standing_order returns no results, it'll load this block instead

Data Tags

Name Options
`[@acc_code@]` Accounting Code
`[@active@]` A boolean that prints `1` if the product is active
`[@addr_id@]` When using multi-address checkout this ID is unique to each address in the address book.
`[@aff_id@]` Affiliate ID
`[@aff_ref@]` Affiliate reference
`[@approval_username@]` The username of the parent account if the order has an approval process in place
`[@arrival_date@]` Product arrival date
`[@availability_description@]` Product availability description
`[@balance@]` Customer account balance
`[@base_unit@]` The base unit of the product
`[@base_unit_qty@]` Unit quantity description
`[@brand@]` The brand of the orderline
`[@card_exp_month@]` The expiration month of the credit card, requires payment method with credit card retention feature
`[@card_exp_year@]` The expiration year of the credit card, requires payment method with credit card retention feature
`[@card_holder@]` Credit Card Holder Name, requires payment method with credit card retention feature
`[@card_number@]` Credit Card Name, requires payment method with credit card retention feature
`[@cc_id@]` Credit Card Name, requires payment method with credit card retention feature<
`[@counter@]` An integer that increases by one every time the body param runs
`[@coupon_code@]` / `[@couponcode@]` Active coupon codes for order
`[@credit@]` User account credit
`[@credit_limit@]` How much credit is available to the user account
`[@date_approved@]` Date that the order was approved
`[@date_delivery@]` Estimated delivery date of order
`[@date_of_birth@]` Customer date of birth
`[@date_required@]` On some checkouts the customer can specify a date they'd like the ordder delivered, this is that date.
`[@date_updated@]` Date the order was most recently updated
`[@discount@]` Discount amount on order line
`[@discount_code@]` Unique code for a discount / promotion.
`[@discount_percent@]` Discount percentage on an order line
`[@discount_title@]` The name of the discount
`[@doctmpl_id@]` The document template set ID that is used for this customer by default. Used to apply a specific invoice design to a specific customer or example.
`[@dropshipping@]` Indicates the value of the "Send invoice with goods" field on the checkout form.
`[@extra@]` Prints product "extra options"
`[@fax@]` Billing fax number
`[@gender@]` The customers gender
`[@group_id@]` Theh customers user group ID
`[@if_invoiced@]` Prints true if the order has been paid
`[@internal_notes@]` Internal notes on the order
`[@inventory_id@]` The product inventory ID
`[@ipaddress@]` Customers IP address
`[@is_prospect@]` A boolean that prints `1` when true if the customer is set to a prospect type in Neto
`[@iskitting@]` Prints true if the order line is a kit
`[@itemnotes@]` Order line notes
`[@itm_serial@]` Order line serial number
`[@itm_sortorder@]`, `[@itm_sortorder2@]` Order line sort orders
`[@list_id@]` The ID of the mailing list the user is subscribed to
`[@manufacturer_model@]` Product manufacturer model number
`[@misc*@] ` Where "*" represents corresponding misc field number, loads specified misc field
`[@model@]`, `[@name@]` Product name
`[@net_price@]` The net order line price
`[@net_price_exc_tax@]` The net order line price excluding tax
`[@net_price_inc_tax@]` The net order line price including tax
`[@notax@]` A boolean that when true indicates the product is tax free
`[@notes@]` Order notes
`[@opt_in@]` Indicates the value of the "subscribe to newsletter" field on the checkout form.
`[@order_comment@]` Internal note on order
`[@order_status_id@]` The ID of the order status for backend purposes
`[@parent_inventory_id@]` The inventory ID of the parent product on that order line
`[@parent_name@]` Product name of parent SKU if applicable
`[@parent_order_id@]` The order ID of a parent order if applicable
`[@parent_sku@]` Product SKU of parent SKU if applicable
`[@parent_username@]` The username of the parent user
`[@password@]` Customer account password
`[@personal_id_type@]` The ID of the personal_type classification.
`[@personal_identification@]` Customer indentification
`[@phone@]` Customer billing phone number
`[@pickup_only@]` Prints true when item is pickup only
`[@preorder@]` A boolean that prints `1` when the item has a pre-order quantity and date that is beyond the current date
`[@price@]` Product Price
`[@price_exc_tax@]` Product price excluding tax if applicable
` [@price_inc_tax@]` Product price excluding tax if applicable
`[@product_discount@]` The discount price on an order line
`[@product_total@]` The product total of the order
`[@qty@]` Quantity purchased in the order
`[@referral_username@]` The username of the referral user
`[@registration_date@]` Date the customer registered to site
`[@retail@]` Retail cost of the product
`[@rma_id@]` The ID of the return merchant authorisation
`[@sales_agent@]` The control panel agent who processed the sale
`[@sales_channel@]` The channel of which the order was made i.e. Webshop, ebay, control panel etc
`[@sales_commission_percent@]` The percentage commission paid to the referral user
`[@secondary_email@]` Customer secondary email
`[@sh_group_id@]` Shipping group ID for selected method on order
`[@ship_city@]` The city name of the shipping address
`[@ship_comment@]` The customer comment on the shipping method, often instructions such as "Ring doorbell 003"
`[@ship_company@]` The company name for the shipping address of the order
`[@ship_country@]` The country ID of the shipping address
`[@ship_fax@]` The fax number for the shipping address
`[@ship_first_name@]` The first name of the recipient for the shipping address
`[@ship_last_name@]` The surname name of the recipient for the shipping address
`[@ship_phone@]` The phone number for the shipping address
`[@ship_signature@]` A boolean that prints `1` if the customer has opted to require a signature for parcel delivery for the order
`[@ship_state@]` The state name of the shipping address
`[@ship_street1@]`, `[@ship_street2@]` The street name and details of the shipping address
`[@ship_zip@]` The post code / zip code of the shipping address
`[@shipping@]` The shipping weight for the order
`[@shipping_method@]` The selected shipping method name for the order
`[@shipping_method_id@]` The selected shipping method ID for the order
`[@shipping_price@]` Shipping method price for the order
`[@shipping_total@]` Shipping method cost as a grand total
`[@shipping_weight_total@]` Shipping weight total for the order
`[@short_description@]` Product short description
`[@sku@]` Product SKU
`[@sortorder@]` Sort order number for the product
`[@storder_id@]` Standing order unique ID
`[@subtitle@]` Product subtitle
`[@subtotal@]` Order product subtotal
`[@subtotal_exc_tax@]` Order product subtotal excluding tax
`[@subtotal_inc_tax@]` Order product subtotal including tax
`[@subtotal_tax@]` Order tax subtotal
`[@surcharge_percent@]` Percentage of surcharge on an order
`[@surcharge_taxable@]` Surchage amount that is taxable on order
`[@surcharge_taxfree@]` Surchage amount that is not taxable on order
`[@surcharge_total@]` Total surchage cost on order
`[@tax_percent@]` Percentage of tax on order
`[@tax_total@]` Total cost of tax on order
`[@total_items@]` Total order lines for an order
`[@tracking_id@]` ID for tracking number
`[@unresolve_dispute@]` Total number of unresolved disputes customer has open
`[@user_id@]` Unique ID for customer card
`[@usercustom1@]` - `[@usercustom34@]` Custom user fields for customer cards
`[@usr_group@]` User grouping (Not to be confused with price group)
`[@warranty@]` Product warranty description
`[@amount_owed@]` Amount yet to be paid in order
`[@amount_paid@]` Amount paid on the order
`[@bill_country_name@]` Country name of the billing address for the order
`[@bill_state_name@]` State name of the billing address for the order
`[@count@]` Counts for every time the body param is run as a whole number integer
`[@customer_po@]` Customer purchase order number
`[@customer_ref1@]`, `[@customer_ref2@]`, `[@customer_ref3@]`, `[@customer_ref4@]` Customer reference fields, essentially misc fields
`[@date_due@]` Date due for the order if applicable
`[@date_due_text@]` Date due or accounting representation for the date due (ie. COD)
`[@date_invoiced@]` Date the order was invoiced to the customer
`[@date_placed@]` Date the order was placed by the customer
`[@discount_total@]` Total discount on order if applicable
`[@email@]` Primary customer email address on the order
`[@grand_total@]` Grand total of the order
`[@has_product_discounts@]` A boolean when true the order contains discounted products
`[@order_id@]` The primary unique identifier for the order
`[@order_status@]` Order status ID
`[@order_status_name@]` The status of the order, such as new, pick, pack, dispatched
`[@payment_method@]` The payment method name
`[@payment_name@]` The payment method selected by the customer for this order
`[@refund_total@]` The refund total where applicable
`[@sales_email@]` Salesperson email
`[@sales_first_name@]` Salesperson first name
`[@salesperson@]` When applicable, the salesperson responsible for the sale
`[@ship_country_name@]` The country name of the shipping address
`[@ship_state_name@]` The state name of the shipping address
`[@shipping_discount@]` Any discounts applied to the shipping
`[@tax_inc@]` A boolean that when true indicates the order is tax inclusive
`[@terms@]` Accounting representation for the date due (ie. EOM, COD, NET)
`[@bill_city@]` The billing city name of the customer
`[@bill_company@]` The billing company name of the customer
`[@bill_country@]` The billing country ID of the customer (ie. AU)
`[@bill_country_name@]` The billing country name of the customer
`[@bill_fax@]` The billing fax number of the customer
`[@bill_first_name@]` The billing first name of the customer
`[@bill_last_name@]` The billing last name of the customer
`[@bill_phone@]` The billing phone number of the customer
`[@bill_state@]` The billing state short term (ie. QLD) of the customer
`[@bill_state_name@]` The billing state long term name of the customer
`[@bill_street1@]` The billing street first line of the customer
`[@bill_street2@]` The billing street first line of the customer
`[@bill_zip@]` The billing zip code/post code of the customer
`[@card_type@]` The card type ID of the payment method when credit card
`[@card_type_name@]` The cad type name of the payment method when credit card
`[@classification1@]` The customer classification field, defined in Neto
`[@classification2@]` The second customer classification field, defined in Neto
`[@username@]` The customers username, the unique ID for this customer

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