Introduction to Neto by Maropost

Neto's ecommerce platform for online retailers comes with a feature-rich content management system built from the ground-up with web designers in mind.

Once you're familiar with how Neto works, building very custom, bespoke websites is easy whether you're building a simple brochure-style website, or a large ecommerce property.

Professional services have been a core component of Neto's own business since day one. As a result, every feature has been built with web designers and marketers in mind. Neto is a great platform to build a web store on.

Folder Structure

Files on the filesystem are organised into various directories, just like the files on your computer. This folder structure can seem complicated to a newcomer but it is actually quite simple — only a handful of folders actually need to be accessed even if you are trying to develop a custom theme from the ground up.

Below is the full folder structure for your theme, omitting any irrelevant folders. Hover any highlighted files or folders for a brief description of their purpose.

Hover over any highlighted folders to see any relevant notes about them.

Template partials

A Neto webpage is made up of different templates based on the type of page it is, but a common design practice is one page is made up of 3 templates: header, body and footer. The header and footer are generally the same for all pages, but the body will have a different template based on what page it is.

A homepage is created by the following templates:

└── templates
    ├── cms
    │   └── home.template.html
    ├── footers
    │   └── template.html
    └── headers
        └── template.html

A category page is made by these templates:

└── templates
    ├── cms
    │   └── category.template.html
    ├── footers
    │   └── template.html
    └── headers
        └── template.html

A product page is a little different, because it handles more complex logic than other pages. It's body template is in it's own directory, products, instead of CMS.

└── templates
    ├── products
    │   ├── includes
    │   └── template.html
    ├── footers
    │   └── template.html
    └── headers
        └── template.html

It also has an includes folder that has reusable templates which can be embedded anywhere on your site. This particular folder is specifically reserved for the product pages AJAX templates.

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