Generate a list of page navigation links for a thumb_list, or any other function tag that supports the pgnum param
[%paging limit:'3'%]
[%param *previous_page%]
<li class="page-item"><a class="page-link" href="[@url@]" aria-label="Go back one page"><i class="fa fa-chevron-left" aria-hidden="true"></i></a></li>
[%param *goback_pages%]
<li class="page-item"><a class="page-link" href="[@url@]" aria-label="Go to page [@page@]">[@page@]</a></li>
[%param *current_page%]
<li class="page-item active"><a class="page-link" href="[@url@]" aria-label="Current page">[@page@]</a></li>
[%param *gonext_pages%]
<li><a href="[@url@]" class="page-link" aria-label="Go to page [@page@]">[@page@]</a></li>
[%param *next_page%]
<li class="page-item"><a class="page-link" href="[@url@]" aria-label="Go forward one page"><i class="fa fa-chevron-right" aria-hidden="true"></i></a></li>
The paging
function can be used to generate and style a list of next/current/previous page links for a category or content page, or anywhere paging can occur. This function is not compatible with the list
function, refer to the pagination
function if using.
Name | Options | Description |
`limit:''` | Integer or b@se tag | Set the max number of page links displayed before and after the current page link |
`qs_name:''` | String or b@se tags | Set the name of the URL query used to indicate the current page. E.g. if `qs_name:'page'` is set, the paging URL would be `/?page=2`. Will default to `pgnum` if omitted. Please note, changing this will break pagination unless you also update the corresponding thumb_list or function being paged to pass through the new query string as the pgnum param value |
`*current_page` | HTML & b@se tags | Renders in the list when the current page matches the value in the `current_page_num:''` param |
`*goback_pages` | HTML & b@se tags | Renders in the list when there is a previous page to the current page. Used to link to the previous page |
`*gonext_pages` | HTML & b@se tags | Renders in the list when there is another page after the current page. Used to link to the next page |
`*next_page` | HTML & b@se tags | Renders the link to the next page after the currently selected page |
`*previous_page` | HTML & b@se tags | Renders the link to the next page after the currently selected page |
Data Tags (current_page, goback_pages, gonext_pages, next_page, previous_page)
Name | Example | Description |
`[@page@]` | 2 | Page number |
`[@url@]` | /accessories/?pgnum=2 | Relative URL of current page, with paging query string |