
A editable content block that can be used site wide



[%content_zone id:'ZONEID' if_empty:''/%]


[%content_zone id:'ZONEID'%]
  [%param if_empty%]
    <p>There is no zone with the ID of ZONEID</p>


A content zone tag relies on having a content zone built in Neto by Maropost's CMS with a matching id. This tag by default will automatically allow any content including HTML, so can be used as a way to user controlled content anywhere in your website, eBay templates & print documents.

What is a content zone?

A content zone is like a HTML include, but it is stored in the database. This is so that you can modify its content via the control panel. None of our themes utilise content zones by default, though they can be very handy if you want to insert a block of text or code anywhere on your site and want it to be editable in the control panel.

How do I setup a content zone?

You'll find the content_zone section via Webstore > Content Zones > Add new content zone.

You'll be asked to choose a Zone Name / ID, which is used to determine the unique ID you'll load with the base tag above, then an internal description & the content. The internal description is for control panel use only, this can be used to let staff users know where any why your content zone is used as well as any special conditions it may have. The content field is what loads into the webstore template via the content zone tag.


Param Options Description
id String The **Zone Name / ID** from the Contact Zone
if_empty HTML & b@se tags If the content_zone returns no results, it'll load this block instead

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