Checkout & Cart Pages

The following data tags can be used on the checkouts & cart pages.

Name Description
[@add_reminder@] Indicates the current value of the add reminder field on the checkout form.
[@agree@] Indicates the current value of the terms & conditions checkbox on the checkout form.
[@bill_city@] The city for the billing address
[@bill_company@] The company for the billing address
[@bill_country@] The country code for the billing address
[@bill_country_name@] The country name for the billing address
[@bill_fax@] The fax number for the billing address
[@bill_first_name@] The first name for the billing address
[@bill_last_name@] The surname for the billing address
[@bill_phone@] The primary phone number for the billing address
[@bill_state@] The state code for the billing address
[@bill_state_name@] The state name for the billing address
[@bill_street1@], [@bill_street2@] The street address fields 1 & 2 for the billing address
[@bill_street_name@] The street name for the billing address
[@bill_street_num@] The street number for the billing address
[@bill_street_type@] The street type for the billing address (Lane, Close, Street, etc)
[@bill_street_unit@] Apartment / unit number. Not utilised on the default checkout.
[@bill_zip@] The postcode/zipcode for the billing address
[@bill_email@] The email address for the billing address
[@customer_po@] The PO box number
[@customer_ref1@], [@customer_ref2@], [@customer_ref3@], [@customer_ref4@] Order misc fields
[@date_of_birth_day@], [@date_of_birth_mon@], [@date_of_birth_year@] The customer date of birth day, month & year
[@dropshipping@] Indicates the value of the "Send invoice with goods" field on the checkout form.
[@discount_total@] The total of the discount applied to the order
[@group_id@] The customer user/price group ID
[@na@] Prints true if no shipping methods are available
[@order_type@] Determines the type of order, i.e. quote or sales (front-end)
[@payment_method@] Selected payment method
[@payment_plan@] Select payment plan
[@product_discount@] Total discount of the products on the order, does not include shipping discounts.
[@product_total@] Orderline total for products
[@reminder_18plus@] A tag that prints true when the user is over 18
[@reminder_gender@] The gender of the individual the reminder is for, prints male, female or unspecified
[@reminder_title@] The name the reminder is stored under
[@remote_addr@] Prints current users IP address
[@sh_group_id@] The shipping ID for the current session
[@ship_city@] The city name for the shipping address
[@ship_comment@] The comment / note for the shipping method
[@ship_country@] The country code for the shipping address
[@ship_country_name@] The country name for the shipping address
[@ship_email@] The email address for the shipping address
[@ship_mode@] Current selected shipping mode for checkout form, i.e. (Shipping, billing or multi-address)
[@ship_pobox@] The PO Box number for the shipping address
[@ship_street@], [@ship_street2@] The street 1/street 2 for the shipping address
[@ship_signature@] Whether a signature is required for parcel pick-up, will print 1 when it is true.
[@ship_state@] The state code for the shipping address
[@ship_state_name@] The state name for the shipping address
[@ship_street_name@] The street name for the shipping address
[@ship_street_num@] The street number for the shipping address
[@ship_street_type@] The street type for the shipping address (Lane, Close, Street, etc)
[@ship_street_unit@] The shipping unit number
[@ship_zip@] The postcode / zipcode type for the shipping address
[@shipping_cost@] The shipping cost total of the order
[@shipping_discount@] The shipping discount on the cost of the total if applicable
[@shipping_method@] The method of shipping for the order
[@shipping_method_id@] The active shipping method ID selected for the order in the session
[@shipping_ref@] ID of current selected shipping method
[@shipping_status@] Prints the values normal/tba/na/free depending on the shipping configuration
[@ship_company@] The company for the shipping address
[@shipping_total@] The shipping total for the order
[@ship_fax@] The fax number for the shipping address
[@tax_inc@] Whether the order is tax inclusive
[@tax_total@] The tax total for the order
[@total_items@] Total number of items in the current order
[@username@] The username of the current user
[@confirm_email@] The email confirmation
[@grand_total@] The grand total of the order

The following data tag is exclusive to the Cart Page

Name Description
[@bill_fax@] The fax number for the billing address

The following data tags are exclusive to the Checkout Page

Name Description
[@apply_credit@] True/false check whether credit was applied to the order
[@add_stored_card@] Option to allow the customer to use stored cards
[@card_ccid@] The CCID of the customer's chosen card
[@card_exp_month@] The expiry month of the customer's chosen card
[@card_exp_year@] The expiry year of the customer's chosen card
[@card_holder@] The card holder
[@card_number@] The number of the customer's chosen card
[@coupon_discount@] The discount applied by the coupon
[@delivery_days@] The specified delivery days
[@device_data@] Snapshot of the device the order was placed with. Used in metrics/analytics
[@email@] First billing email
[@gateway_token@] Credit Card token
[@geo_lat@] Latitude of pickup store
[@geo_lng@] Longitude of pickup store
[@has_comment@] True/false check whether an order has any comment(s)
[@order_id@] The ID of the order
[@product_tax@] The applicable tax of the product
[@shipping_price@] The price of the shipping method
[@store_card_id@] The ID for the stored card
[@subtotal@], [@subtotal_notax@] The subtotal of the order, with or without tax
[@surcharge_total@] The total of any surcharges applied to the order
[@tax@] The tax applied to the order

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