eBay base tags

Tag Name Tag Description Example Output Visible In Preview Visible on eBay
Active eBay Item List `[@ebay_active_items@]` Not In Use N/A No No
Current Price (A - if on promotion, promotion price is used `[@current_price_1@]` Looks at promo price on product and uses it if within active date range, otherwise will fall back to Price A. Can be used for any customer group (A=1, B=2 etc) 100.00 Yes Yes
Custom Label/Code `[@acc_code@]` Custom label field from the product ABC123 Yes Yes
eBay Best Offer Auto Accept Price `[@ebay_auto_bestoffer_price@]` Best Offer Auto Accept Price value mapped in the rules template 90.00 No Yes
eBay Brand `[@ebay_brand@]` Brand value mapped in the rules template Apple No Yes
eBay Buy It Now Price `[@ebay_buy_now_price@]` Buy It Now Price value mapped in the rules template (auction only) 50.00 No Yes
eBay Description `[@ebay_description@]` eBay description field from the product This is my description Yes Yes
eBay EAN `[@ebay_ean@]` EAN value mapped in the rules template 2000000001340 No Yes
eBay Global Reference ID `[@ebay_ebproduct_ref@]` Global Reference ID value mapped in the rules template EBAY-AU No Yes
eBay Height `[@ebay_height@]` Height value configured in the rules template shipping 10 No Yes
eBay ISBN `[@ebay_isbn@]` ISBN value mapped in the rules template 2000000001357 No Yes
eBay Items List `[@ebay_items@]` Not In Use N/A No No
eBay Length `[@ebay_length@]` Length value configured in the rules template shipping 10 No Yes
eBay List ID `[@ebay_list_id@]` Neto's internal reference number of the listing 24 No Yes
eBay Listing Template Shipping Type `[@shipping_type@]` Single character to denote shipping type on rules template (f = flat rate, c = calculated, d = freight, e = domestic rate table, n = no shipping, pickup only) f No Yes
eBay Major Weight `[@ebay_weight_major@]` Weight value configured in the rules template shipping 1 No Yes
eBay Minimum Best Offer Price `[@ebay_min_bestoffer_price@]` Minimum Best Offer Price value mapped in the rules template 70.00 No Yes
eBay Minor Weight `[@ebay_weight_minor@]` Not In Use 0 No Yes
eBay MPN `[@ebay_mpn@]` MPN value mapped in the rules template 654891 No Yes
eBay Product ID `[@ebay_ebproduct_id@]` Not In Use N/A No No
eBay Product Subtitle `[@ebay_subtitle@]` Subtitle value configured in the rules template Summer Sale 20% Off!! No Yes
eBay Product Title `[@ebay_title@]` Title value configured in the rules template Brand New Genuine Apple Samsung Galaxy S8 32gb No Yes
eBay Reserve Price `[@ebay_reserve_price@]` Not In Use N/A No No
eBay Site ID `[@ebay_site_id@]` Number which represents which eBay site this listing has been created on (15 = eBay.com.au) 15 No Yes
eBay Start Price `[@ebay_start_price@]` Start Price value configured in the rules template 100.00 No Yes
eBay Store Category ID1 `[@ebay_store_category_id1@]` ID of the listing's first eBay store category 65177 No yes
eBay Store Category ID2 `[@ebay_store_category_id2@]` ID of the listing's second eBay store category 98474S No Yes
eBay Store ID `[@ebay_store_id@]` Neto ID of the store configured in store manager 1 No Yes
eBay Store Name `[@ebstore_name@]` eBay account name mystore No Yes
eBay Store URL ID `[@ebaystore_id@]` ID of the eBay store URL mystore No Yes
eBay Templates `[@ebay_atemplates@]` Not In Use N/A No No
eBay Theme URL `[@ebay_themeurl@]` URL to the design used on the listing https://demoaccount.neto.com.au/assets/themes/ebay/12 No Yes
eBay UPC `[@ebay_upc@]` UPC value mapped in the rules template 2000000001357 No Yes
eBay Width `[@ebay_width@]` Width value configured in the rules template shipping 10 No Yes

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