Product Pages

The following data tags can be used on the product pages.

Name Description
`[@acc_code@]` Accounting Code
`[@access_control@]` Prints true if the page is set to "Require login"
`[@active@]` A boolean that prints `1` when the product is active
`[@actual_height@]`, `[@actual_length@]`, `[@actual_width@]` The assemblemed dimensions for the SKU. Prints as meters by default
`[@allow_oversell@]` Virtual product tag boolean
`[@approval@]` A boolean that prints `1` when the product is approved
`[@arrival_date@]` Arrival date of SKU, recommended to use format tag
`[@artist_author@]` Artist/Author tag
`[@asset_account@]` Prints the asset account number or ID, relative to accounting software
`[@auto_url_update@]` A boolean that prints true when the configuration on the product page called "Automated URL" is turned on that regenerates the URL everytime the product name or SKU is updated.
`[@availability_description@]` Availability Description for the SKU, typically used to explain when product will become available.
`[@available_preorder_quantity@]` Pre-order QTY that is free for order
`[@barcode@]`, `[@barcode1@]`, `[@barcode2@]`, `[@barcode3@]` The barcode tag, can be used with the barcode_url asset to generate an image
`[@barcode_height@]` Loads the value of the barcode height value
`[@base_unit@]` The base unit of the product
`[@base_unit_qty@]` Unit quantity description
`[@brand@]` Brand is the content name of the brand which the product belongs to, with the highest priority. Can also be used in conjunction with the Brand function to retrieve additional information.
`[@brochure_url@]` The url of the PDF brochure stored against the product
`[@build_quantity@]` The total quantity available of a kit calculated by the stock of the kit components. I.E. If you have 2 products that comprise a kit and you need one of each, if you have a quantity of 3 of one and 2 of the other, you can only build a total of 2 of this kit.
`[@buy_qty@]`,`[@sell_qty@]` Used for purchasing, buy quantity is a reference typically used for the box size order quantity when you purchase one "Unit" from the supplier. The sell quantity is the reverse of this, the quantity of a box of items sold.
`[@cogs_account@]` Prints the number or ID of cost of goods/sale account.
`[@committed_quantity@]` Quantity committed to orders
`[@content_allow_reviews@]` A boolean that prints true if the content page this product is assigned to allows reviews.
`[@content_author@]` The name of the author who wrote the content page this product is assigned to
`[@content_compatibility_code@]` The content compatibility ID or code of the content page this product is assigned to
`[@content_description1@]`, `[@content_description2@]`, `[@content_description3@]` The long text description fields of the content page this product is assigned to
`[@content_external_ref1@]`, `[@content_external_ref2@]`, `[@content_external_ref3@]` The external reference ID fields of the content page this product is assigned to
`[@content_external_src@]` The external source, typically a URL of the content page this product is assigned to
`[@content_fullpath@]` The full url path of the content page this product is assigned to
`[@content_id@]` The unique ID of the content page this product is assigned to
`[@content_label1@]`, `[@content_label2@]`, `[@content_label3@]` The label fields of the content page this product is assigned to
`[@content_level@]` The current level, (I.E. `3` if it has two parent content pages) relative to the parent content pages above of it, of the content page this product is assigned to.
`[@content_module@]` The module of the page, i.e. Contact_form, Subscribe of the content page this product is assigned to.
`[@content_name@]` The name/title of the content page this product is assigned to
`[@content_ref@]` The reference ID of the content page this product is assigned to
`[@content_short_description1@]`, `[@content_short_description2@]`, `[@content_short_description3@]` The short text description fields of the content page this product is assigned to
`[@content_type_code@]` The code of the content type of the content page this product is assigned to, I.E. `category`, `page`, `brand` etc.
`[@content_type_id@]` The unique ID of the content type of the content page this product is assigned to
`[@content_type_name@]` The name of the content type of the content page this product is assigned to
`[@content_wufoo_form@]` Prints the wufoo form data when the wufoo add-on is installed & assigned to a page.
`[@cost@]` The cost of the product
`[@cubic@]` Cubic weight calculated for the SKU
`[@current_id@]` When a product page has variations, current sku loads the active, selected ID.
`[@current_sku@]` When a product page has variations, current sku loads the active, selected SKU.
`[@custom_label@]` Custom label field
`[@date_created@]` Date the product was created in Neto, can be edited
`[@date_posted@]` The date the content page this product belongs to (With the highest sort order) was posted.
`[@default_purchase_price@]` The default purchase price, typically used in the import/export system.
`[@default_restock_quantity@]` The default restock quantity from the supplier, when the product is out of stock, typically used for import/export system.
`[@description@]` Load the product long description
`[@display_template@]` Body template selected for SKU
`[@dropshipper@]` Loads the dropshipper name of the product
`[@ebay_description@]` Load the product ebay description
`[@ebay_quantity@]` The quantity amount devoted to ebay listings
`[@editable_bundle@]` Boolean that when true indicates that a product is an editable kit/bundle
`[@expense_acc@]` Prints expense account ID or number
`[@extra@]` Boolean that when true indicates the product has "Extra Options" available. At the Shopping Cart and Checkout the `[@extra@]` data tag will display the contents of the user input.
`[@features@]` Load the product feature description
`[@filter*@]` Where * indicates a number from 1 through to 9, this loads the misc fields which were tagged as filters in v4.
`[@fixed_assemble@]` Returns **true** when the product is **NOT** an editable kit. In this case `[@editable_bundle@]` should also equal `n`.
`[@format@]` Product Format field
`[@free_gifts@]` Boolean that when true has free gifts assigned to SKU
`[@group_name@]` Product group name that the product is assigned to (The inventory groups table)
`[@has_child@]` Boolean that when true indicates the SKU has child items / variations
`[@has_components@]` Boolean that when true indicates the SKU has kit components
`[@has_from_price@]` A boolean that prints true if the product is a parent product that has a child with a different price.
`[@has_mlp@]` If a product has multi level pricing it shows as true
`[@height@]`, `[@length@]`, `[@width@]` The Dimensions for the SKU and prints as meters by default
`[@weight@]` Item weight
`[@image_url@]` Prints the URL of the full product image
`[@image_url_check_days@]` Prints an integer which the system uses to determine how frequently to a scrape a URL for the image
`[@imgupd_date@]` Prints a date which records the last time the image was udpated from an external source.
`[@in_display_page@]` A boolean that prints true when the product is in a thumb list located on the product display page, instead of the category.
`[@income_account@]` Income sales account ID or number
`[@incoming_quantity@]` Number of quantity that is incoming to your warehouse
`[@inpromo@]` Boolean that when true indicates the item has a promotional price that is valid
`[@instock@]` Boolean that when true indicates the item is in stock
`[@inventory_id@]` A unique ID assigned to the item, typically for internal use
`[@internal_note@]` Prints the internal note stored on the product
`[@is_bought@]` A boolean that prints true when the product is purchasable from supplier, used for accounting platform integrations
`[@is_inventoried@]` A boolean that prints true when the product tracks stock, used for accounting platform integrations
`[@is_kit@]` A boolean that prints true when the item is a kit type of product
`[@is_neto_utility@]` A boolean that prints true when the item is a "Neto utility" product, typically used to hide things like rounding SKU's from the control panel.
`[@is_sold@]` A boolean that prints true when the product is purchasable to customer, used for accounting platform integrations
`[@itm_gp_id@]` A unqiue id for kits/variations/parent items, typically for internal use
`[@itm_sortorder@]`, `[@itm_sortorder2@]` Sort order integer, used to determine the sort order of the item depending on the thumblist `sortby` options
`[@itm_subtype@]` Prints the item "subtype" similar to item type, just another categorisation.
`[@job_id@]` Prints the product job ID, typically used for sales invoices.
`[@keywords@]` Prints a list of keywords as stored in the SEO section of the product
`[@limited_stock@]` Prints true when the stock is lower then the global configuration for "low stock"
`[@manufacturer_model@]` The model no. / Sku provided by the manufacturer
`[@max_qty@]`,`[@min_qty@]` The maximum and minimum purchase quantity for that item in an order
`[@misc#@]` Where # indicates the misc number, this prints the misc field specified
`[@mlp_price@]` Prints the cheapest multi level pricing price
`[@model@]`,`[@name@]` The product name
`[@monthly_spent@]` Typically used for recurring orders, prints the minimum monthly spend requirement for the item.
`[@multiplier_qty@]` The quantity grouping the item must be purchased in, eg. Lots of 5
`[@no_shipping@]` When true there are no shipping options, requires cal_shipping param to be enabled
`[@notax@]` A boolean that when true indicates it is tax free
`[@parent_content_id@]` The content ID of the parent page to the content page of which this product was assigned.
`[@parent_inventory_id@]` Prints the inventory ID of the parent product if the current product is a child
`[@parent_sku@]` Prints the SKU of the parent product if the current product is a child
`[@pick_priority@]` Will print either `FIFO` (First in, first out), `FEFO` (First expired, first out) or `LIFO` (Last in, first out)
`[@pick_scan_qty@]` The quantity amount picked when scanned, used for pick'n'pack
`[@pick_zone@]` The pick zone the product can be found in
`[@preorder@]` A boolean that when true indicates that the item meets the conditions to be available for preorder
`[@preorder_date@]` The preorder date of which the item is expected to become in stock
`[@preorder_quantity@]` The anticipated quantity available for preorder
`[@price@]` The lowest price available
`[@primary_suppliers_id@]` The primary supplier unqiue ID
`[@primary_warehouse_id@]` The primary warehouse unique ID
`[@print_label@]` Number of labels to print per product
`[@product_id@]` Prints the inventory ID of the product
`[@product_subtype@]` The product subtype
`[@product_type@]` The product type
`[@product_url@]` Prints the full external product url, typically used for import/export system.
`[@promo_id@]` Prints the unique promotion code specific to the product, which determine promo prices in bulk.
`[@promo_end@]`, `[@promo_start@]` The promotional price start & end dates
`[@promo_price@]` The promotional price active during promo dates
`[@promo_save@]` The saving made on the item calculated by the difference between the promotional price & the RRP
`[@purchase_taxcode@]` Purchase taxcode ID or number
`[@quantity_sold@]` Quantity of the product sold over a lifetime
`[@rating@]` The average rating of the product based on reviews
`[@rating_decimal@]` The review rating with a decimal place average
`[@rating_round_half@]` The review rating rounded to a half decimal
`[@regen_url@]` A boolean that when true, will regenerate the URL next time the batch job is run which will then switch this back to off.
`[@rental_only@]` A boolean that when true means it is a rental only item
`[@reorder_quantity@]` The quantity to reorder from the supplier, used for accounting systems.
`[@repeat_type@]` Prints `Once` or `Always`, `Default` which will only repeat when the standing order isn't fulfilled yet.
`[@req_pack@]` A boolean that prints true when the product is set to allow to be packed or boxed with other products.
`[@restock_quantity@]` The quantity for restocking when out of stock, typically for purchase orders.
`[@restock_warning_level@]` Prints a quantity that is used to trigger a warning to restock in the control panel
`[@retail@]` Retail price
`[@reviews@]` Prints the total reviews for a product as an integer
`[@sales_commission_percent@]` The percentage of commission given to salesperson
`[@save@]` Save price percentage
`[@save_price@]` Save price
`[@serial_tracking@]` A boolean that prints true if it requires serial tracking
`[@service_only@]` A boolean that when true indicates a service item which has no delivery options required
`[@sh_type_id@]` The shipping ID of the shipping method that the item belongs to
`[@shipping@]` Shipping weight of product
`[@short_description@]` Item short description, has a character limit of 250 characters
`[@single_price@]` Single unit price
`[@sku@]` Unique product identification
`[@sortorder@]` The sort order number of the product, typically determines the priority it appears in a list
`[@specifications@]` Loads the long text field labelled "Specifications" for the product
`[@split_for_picking@]` A boolean that prints true when a kitted product is set to "Split for picking" in the control panel
`[@start_date@]` The date the product was created
`[@store_price@]` Item price based on users group ID
`[@store_quantity@]` The quantity available for purchase
`[@subtitle@]` The items subtitle
`[@supplier_code@]` Supplier code of the supplier that the item belongs to
`[@swatch@]` The colour code in hex on the product
`[@tax_inc@]` A boolean that when true indicates a tax inclusive product
`[@templatebody@]` Loads the template body file name of the content page the product is assigned to.
`[@templatefoot@]` Loads the template footer file name of the content page the product is assigned to.
`[@templatehead@]` Loads the template header file name of the content page the product is assigned to.
`[@templatesearch@]` Loads the template search results page file name of the content page the product is assigned to.
`[@thumb_content_type_id@]` The ID number of the content type the product is assigned to.
`[@thumb@]`, `[@thumb#@]` Where # represents a number, this is the image url
`[@timestamp@]` The time which the product was last updated
`[@tnc@]` A text field that prints terms & conditions.
`[@type@]` Product type name
`[@unit@]` The unit of measure
`[@url@]` The URL used to reach the items product page
`[@visible@]` A boolean that prints `1` when the product is set to visible
`[@url@]` Product URL
`[@warranty@]` The warranty description for the product

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