Content & Category Pages

The following data tags can be used on the content and category pages.

Name Description
`[@access_control@]` Prints true if the page is set to "Require login"
`[@content_id@]` The unique ID of the current page
`[@content_ref@]` A reference ID, integer, 50 character limit
`[@content_description1@]`, `[@content_description2@]`, `[@content_description3@]` The full description field
`[@content_allow_reviews@]` An option in the Neto control panel, when set to true will allow reviews and this tag prints a `1`
`[@content_author@]` Author of the content page
`[@content_external_ref1@]`, `[@content_external_ref2@]`, `[@content_external_ref3@]` External reference options, 255 character limit, strings
`[@content_compatibility_code@]` Needs config `COMPAT_ITEM_ALIAS_SPLIT` enabled, then prints the compatibility code when "Show compatibility URL" is checked.
`[@content_external_src@]` Pre version 5 content type
`[@content_fullpath@]` The full path to reach the current content page
`[@content_level@]` The level of which the current content sites represented in a numerical value. So if the current page has one parent content page above it, the level will print a `2`
`[@content_id@]` The unique ID of the current page
`[@content_module@]` The module of the page, i.e. Contact_form, Subscribe
`[@content_name@]` The name / title of the content page
`[@content_short_description1@]`, `[@content_short_description2@]`, `[@content_short_description3@]` The content short description field
`[@content_type_code@]` The code of the content type defined when a content type is created
`[@content_type_id@]` The unique ID of the content type the current page belongs to
`[@content_type_name@]` The name of the content type the current page belongs to
`[@date_posted@]` The date the content was created
`[@date_updated@]` The most recent date the content had been updated in Neto
`[@page_editor@]` (Deprecated) alias for `content_author`
`[@page_header@]` Deprecated tag for page name
`[@page_id@]` Deprecated tag for page ID
`[@page_index@]` (Deprecated) alias for `content_ref`
`[@page_subheader@] ` Deprecated tag for subtitle
`[@parent_content_id@] ` The ID of the content type of the parent page if the current page is assigned to one
`[@parent_id@] ` The ID of the parent page if the current page is assigned to one
`[@rating@] ` The average review rating of this content page
`[@reviews@] ` The number of reviews this page has had
`[@sortorder@] ` The sort order number of the current page
`[@subtitle@] ` The subtitle for the page
`[@templatebody@] ` The ID of the body template, without the `.template.html` extension
`[@templatefoot@] ` The ID of the footer template, without the `.template.html` extension
`[@templatehead@] ` The ID of the header template, without the `.template.html` extension
`[@templatesearch@] ` The ID of the search results template, without the `.template.html` extension
`[@thumb_content_type_id@] ` A reference ID for the content type when used in a `thumb_list`
`[@timestamp@]` Date last updated

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