Customer pages

The following data tags can be used on the customer pages.

Name Description
`[@active@]` A boolean that prints true when the customer is set to active
`[@addr_id@]` Prints the unique ID for the default address book
`[@approval_username@]` The username of the customer card set to be the quote approver of the current customer card
`[@balance@]` The total account balance available for the account if any
`[@bill_city@]` The default billing address billing city
`[@bill_company@]` The default billing address company name
`[@bill_country@]` The default billing address country name code
`[@bill_country_name@]` The default billing address country name
`[@bill_fax@]` The default billing address fax number
`[@bill_first_name@]` The default billing address first name
`[@bill_last_name@]` The default billing address last name
`[@bill_phone@]` The default billing address phone number
`[@bill_state@]` The default billing address state code
`[@bill_state_name@]` The default billing address state name
`[@bill_street1@]`, `[@bill_street2@]` The default billing address lines
`[@bill_zip@]` The default billing address postcode
`[@card_type@]` The card type ID for the default stored card
`[@card_type_name@]` The card type name for the default stored card
`[@classification1@]`,`[@classification2@]` Prints the custom customer classifications
`[@credit@]` Prints the dollar value of customer credit available
`[@credit_limit@]` Prints the credit limit for the customer account
`[@credit_onhold@]` Prints the amount of credit on hold for the customer account
`[@def_order_type@]` The default order type for orders made under this account
`[@default_discounts@]` Prints a percentage with decimals, used as the default order wide discount percentage when a new order is created against that customer.
`[@doctmpl_id@]` The print document template set ID assigned to this customer card
`[@email@]` The customer primary email address
`[@fax@]` The customer primary fax number
`[@group_id@]` The customer pricing group ID
`[@has_unresolve@]` A boolean which prints true if the customer has unresolved disputes
`[@haslogin@]` A boolean that prints true if the customer is currently logged in / has an active session.
`[@ipaddress@]` The last used IP address for the customer login
`[@is_prospect@]` A boolean which prints true if the customer is set to a "Prospect" type.
`[@opt_in_newsletter@]` A boolean that prints true if the customer has elected to receive newsletter
`[@opt_in_notification@]` A boolean which prints true when the user has opted in to receive system emails i.e. tracking emails, invoices, etc.
`[@order_comment@]` Default comment for newly created orders, typically used for shipping comments, i.e. "Please ring doorbell"
`[@order_limit@]` Prints the ruleset for order creation specific to user, i.e. "Standard user, POS user, Can only create quote, can only approve quote, Store / Stockist"
`[@phone@]` The primary contact number for the customer
`[@redirect@]` Prints a URL for the site to redirect to, typically after login
`[@registration_date@]` The date which the customer first signed up
`[@sales_agent@]` The sales agent the customer is assigned to
`[@ship_city@]` The default shipping city/suburb
`[@ship_company@]` The default shipping company
`[@ship_country@]` The default shipping country code
`[@ship_fax@]` The default shipping fax number
`[@ship_first_name@]` The default shipping first name
`[@ship_last_name@]` The default shipping last name
`[@ship_phone@]` The default shipping phone number
`[@ship_state@]` The default shipping state name
`[@ship_street1@]` The default shipping street address lines
`[@ship_zip@]` The default shipping postcode
`[@terms@]` User payment terms i.e. COD, Net EOM, Net 10
`[@unresolve_dispute@]` Prints the total number of unresolved disputes.
`[@user_id@]` The number ID for the customer
`[@usercustom2@]`, `[@usercustom3@]`, `[@usercustom8@]`, `[@usercustom9@]` The custom fields for the customer card
`[@username@]` The unique ID for the customer card

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