eBay Emails

Our system includes a number of emails utilised by the eBay module. To access these templates in the control panel:

  1. Navigate to Settings & Tools > All Settings & Tools.
  2. Select Email Templates.
  3. Select eBay Notification Emails.

Item Low Stock Warning Email

This email is sent to you to notify you when a particular item has very low stock on eBay.

Item Out Of Stock Warning Email

This email is sent to you to notify you when a particular item is out of stock on eBay.

eBay Listing Notification Email

This email is a confirmation email when ending large amounts of listings.

eBay Auction Sold Below Cost Notification

This email notifies you when a product has sold for less than it's cost price in an Auction on eBay. To turn this on navigate to eBay > Settings & Tools > Settings and check the box next to Send email notification for eBay auction below cost.

Accessing this template via SFTP

These templates are all stored here on the file server: /private/www/netosuite/SysDoc/emails/ebay/.

We recommend backing-up all emails before making modifications.

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